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AP classes and number of credits- 10th grade

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If DS takes AP Chemistry, AP US History, AP Literature (all via online classes) and Latin 3 (Lukeion online), is it OK to only have a total of 6.5 academic credits for 10th grade? 


The remaining credits are Honors Algebra II, Honors Apologetics, and 1/2 credit of Honors Geometry.


Right now DS is not aiming top-tier but would like to be in the running for academic scholarships. It is his goal to test out of as many general education classes (via AP) as possible so he can double major and double minor. He is making decisions based on his target school (which, as a 10th grader, we both know may change). 


Thanks for your thoughts, 




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Each State had it's own requirements but generally the number of credits to earn a standard diploma is between 20 and 24. I don't know of a States  that requires more than 24 credits for a diploma though some could require more for specialized/advanced diplomas. 


So, you'll want to check your state requirements and make sure that you plan for the number of hours and cover all of the necessary subjects. Even though home schools don't usually fall under their state requirements, most colleges will expect applicants to have met them.


That said, 6.5 hours for 10th grade is solid.

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You've got


science (AP), 1 credit

English (AP), 1 credit

history (AP), 1 credit

math, 1.5 credits

foreign language, 1 credit

academic elective, 1 credit


That looks like a great plan! Imo, it's stronger than one with PE/health/band or other non-academic electives.

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I agree with the others that your son's proposed schedule is very strong!


Every admission officer I've spoken with said that they'd rather see 5 or 6 core academic credits done at a rigorous level than more, but weaker, credits. For grade 10, three AP classes, Lukeion 3, math, and apologetics fits the bill. He should be fine!

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