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Okay, Wow, has anyone seen this video on the Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae scam?

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I'm surprised blood was not shed during those bailout meetings.


Youtube video


Yes these clips certainly made it interesting when Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi were denying any responsibility on the part of the Democrats in this economic crisis. How short do they think our memory is? The Republicans spoke up, yes, but why didn't more get done, way back in 2004 and earlier. I'm wondering why more didn't come out of these hearings, but maybe it just looks so awful knowing what we know now?


What's even more interesting is that Sens. Dodd and Obama are the top two recipients of money (campaign donations, whatever the euphemism) from Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac. I need to go find a more comprehensive list of the money.

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Believe it (or not) I'm glad you posted this link.


We should see what went on in the Congressional oversight hearings, including irresponsible acts on the part of Democrats (my party).


I do wish something on this order was produced by a source that was not influenced by clear partisanship, as I think there is blame to go around. But I don't mind (and in fact am pleased) to see the misdeeds of Congresspersons on this issue exposed.


We need more light thrown on the subject.


Good show.



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They had a special on this on Fox news. It told everything going back to when Fanny Mae was created up until now, it was really good and IMO very unbiased. It explained the details of how this mess has destroyed the economy, which they explained well, considering how confusing it is.


Some of the things I am finding out really upset me. Apparently Dodd got a sweet heart loan on his home and several morgages (lowered intrest rate, lower than an average person could get) to the tune of a 75K savings on his house. All the while he was defending Fanny Mae. I think that is illegal and he should be brought up on charges, or at the very least, tossed out on his backside.


I am very angry that we have to pay for this mess. I think the people in that video should be voted out and get someone who will do their job put into their place.

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