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American History vs. SOTW 3 for 6 and 8 yr old?


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Any recommendations for American History for a rising 1st grader and a rising 3rd grader? DD (who will technically be in 3rd grade) operates above grade level.  We have been using SOTW (we'll finish SOTW 2 this year), but I am thinking about taking a year off to study American History before jumping into SOTW 3, mainly because I'm wondering whether DS6 might get more out of SOTW3 if we wait a year. 


I know of Sonlight, MFW American History, TruthQuest and Beautiful Feet. I would like something that is easy to implement.  We don't like reading out of multiple books at the same time -- we are fine with reading out a spine and adding in one extra book at a time, but we don't want to be reading a few pages from 4 different books everyday...  We like mapwork, and I like having review questions / discussion prompts.  I'd appreciate any feedback or advice!


On the other hand, I'm considering continuing with SOTW3 next year, then taking a year off to do American History before SOTW 4.  Does anyone have experience with using SOTW 3 with a 6 year old?  

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We used Elemental History, History Pockets, and the library for early elementary. I think they would get a lot more from SOTW 3 and 4 if you waited a couple of years. MFW American History is also very good, but much more expensive. :)

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A Living History of Our World by Angela O'Dell sounds like it would fit what you are looking for.  It is a stand alone curriculum, but you could easily use it as a spine and add a book or two when you want.  It is CM style so she has narration breaks (discussion prompts) printed in the book.  There are journal notebooks to go with each volume if that's something you would want to do.  My kids don't like journaling, so we don't use them.  She also has geography places already underlined in the book, so you know to find them on a map.

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We're finishing second grade and using Elemental History. I had wanted to finish it this year, but not sure if we will. It's intended for up to grade two, but I wouldn't worry too much about that description. If it holds your rising 3rd grader's interest I think it will be fine. There's a combination of geography and history. Optional read along material you can get at the library. You can see some samples on their website. I just bought a bunch of "Who was/What was ___?" books to go along with our history. Who Was Daniel Boone? Who Was Thomas Jefferson? What was the Declaration of Independence? and a few others. 

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