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Good graphic novels/ comic books for a 7yo


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Check out the "Inventions and Discoveries" series at Timberdoodle.com. My 8 year old (below grade level) enjoyed them. They are in about 3-5 chapters about inventors and their inventions such as the computer, telephone, snowboard, things like that. They have other series, that might work for you also if you just search "graphic novels" and if you have a good library, might find a few there after you get the titles. However, I don't know the age level for any others than the inventors/discoveries.

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Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot series are 3rd grade level but comic "ish". There are a lot of classics made into comics now. These currently interest by boys too. We rented a 20,000 leagues, Moby Dick, and the Odyssey from the library. All comic book style.

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