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ok dr. hive, I have a weird one for you...


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this is about my husband.


For over a week and a half or so, he has complained of weird crampiness in his abdomen, but no other symptoms.


For the last 5 days or so he complained about being being more tired than normal, but didn't really act much different.  But our schedule was very busy, both both played soccer games multiple times last week, big field trip he went along for, mowing our decent sized yard, work.  Then starting on Wednesday, he had a low grade fever for about 3 days...(no more than 100)...but he came home from work and took several hour naps during that time.  He has NO other symptoms...no pain, no discomfort (other than the crampiness in his abdomen), he is eating normally, sleeping ok, not constipated nor does he have diarrhea...just more tired than normal. 


He stopped having a fever 2 days ago...but still just doesn't feel right.  Not as tired either...he hasn't needed a nap for the last 2 days...but still not himself. He says he doesn't feel bad enough to go to a doctor but says he will if something doesn't change in the next couple days.


If he still had a fever, I would be more concerned...but to me that means it's not an infection...because he would still have a fever, yes?  And he would be getting worse, which he isn't. 


I have been googling...but not coming up with much. 


So talk to me Dr. Hive...what is going on?  Just a virus that needs to run it's course? 



Edited by NEprairiemom
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My husband is still recovering over a month after having pancreatitis, which had landed him in the ICU for over a week. There is a very real possibility he will suffer lifelong issues because of it. Please, please, please get your DH to the doctor--and go with him if you think he might not be totally upfront about ALL his symptoms.


In my husband's situation there were no warning signs (and he doesn't fit any of the profiles for getting it). I would consider your husband's issues a definite warning that something is amiss.

Edited by MEmama
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If it were just the crampiness, I'd say maybe he had eaten something that was a little bothersome, and I would probably not worry too much about it.  But with the fever and extra sleepiness, I would say it sounds like he's fighting something, and I would be inclined to see a doctor.

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I just talked about this thread to my DH, and he said he has a coworker who had suffered those same symptoms on and off for awhile. Finally after one bout he went to his doctor. Tests showed his gallbladder was out of whack so severely they removed it immediately. He was very lucky he went in when he did.


I don't want to scare you, just thought I'd pass that along.

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Please have him go and get checked. A dear friend of mine had several of those symptoms for a while, and finally went in. They removed some kind of polyp (?) from her intestinal area, about 5 weeks ago. When doing blood work, they realized she had Leukemia, and not long after, she began chemo. They did beat the Leukemia, but she caught a hospital super bug and died last week :(


It is worth it to go in and get it checked. If it is something serious, the sooner they catch it, the better.


My friend had fatigue and abdominal discomfort as her first symptoms, and now, only 5-6 weeks later, she is gone :( Seriously. When you don't feel well, go get checked out. It might save your life.


Oh my goodness...I'm so sorry for your loss. :(.



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Thank you. It was all so sudden. I didn't even get to see her when she was in the hospital because things went to crazy fast... she has three college age kids... and I'm very sad for them...

I would "like" this but of course that's all wrong...I can't imagine the heartbreak. :(

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I say go to the doctor if he still feels "icky" in a few days. There are various things this could be. I could even imagine a minor gall bladder problem (was the stomach ache localized?).


My husband had appendicitis and it really didn't hurt him much. I actually only recognized it because I had recently had appendicitis. He wasn't really in pain, just had a slight fever and funny stomach ache. I had him miss a big work trip, but it turned out I was right and he had to get it out. 


It turns out there is treatment for gall stones nowadays, too, which means you can sometimes prevent removal if you catch it early enough.



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