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Spectrum Chemistry Grading

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Would anyone be willing to share how you structured (or would structure) the grade for your child for this class? There are about 30 labs and 10 tests. Normally, I just average out test scores, but since the lab work is such a large part of this program, I want to include it as part of the grade. Also, my dd will take the first test this weekend, and she seems to understand everything really well, but there isn't much room for error with only 12 problems on it. Some of the tests have only 6 questions on them. That's another reason why I'd like the grade to reflect something other than just the tests.


We've only finished lesson 6, but we are enjoying this program.

Edited by OnMyOwn
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The class that Trinqueta took at Landry weighted the grades:


lab 1/3

homework 1/3

tests 1/3

Thank you! I didn't even think of including homework in the grade. Did they grade it at Landry or was it just based on whether they had completed it or not? And what about labs? Were they graded or was credit given for completion? Edited by OnMyOwn
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The labs required a formal lab report using IMMRD format. See this for an example




The Landry ones required less detailed introductions and were generally shorter.


The homework was graded but most students had access to the parent guide that has the worked solutions. I think it's completely acceptable to check her work and have her redo any she misses without docking her grade. Spectrum doesn't have many problems and you need to master the ones that they do have thoroughly in order to do well. In fact, T's teacher often posted websites with extra practice problems so I'd google around for that.

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The labs required a formal lab report using IMMRD format. See this for an example




The Landry ones required less detailed introductions and were generally shorter.


The homework was graded but most students had access to the parent guide that has the worked solutions. I think it's completely acceptable to check her work and have her redo any she misses without docking her grade. Spectrum doesn't have many problems and you need to master the ones that they do have thoroughly in order to do well. In fact, T's teacher often posted websites with extra practice problems so I'd google around for that.

Oooh, thanks for the lab report link. Unless I misread, there was no expectation for a lab report in the Spectrum program, other than filling in the lab workbook, but I'd love to have her do some anyway. I was a little concerned about that.


There really aren't many practice problems in the text, are there? My dd has understood everything so far, but with such minimal practice, I do wonder how she will do on the tests. I was going to have her go back and redo the homework problems as part of studying for the test. I am far from an expert in chemistry, so I'm a bit leary about pulling my own extra practice problems off of the web, but I may do some poking around. Thanks again!

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Here is mine:


Chapter questions: 20% (worked each problem until 100% correct)


Lab notebook: 20% (neat entries and thoughtful observations received 100%)


Lab reports (6): 20%


Tests: 40% (giving partial credit as appropriate)

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Here is mine:


Chapter questions: 20% (worked each problem until 100% correct)


Lab notebook: 20% (neat entries and thoughtful observations received 100%)


Lab reports (6): 20%


Tests: 40% (giving partial credit as appropriate)

Thank you. So, you required lab reports for 6 of the labs? That's kind of what I am thinking of doing.

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I counted lab reports heavily when I did Spectrum with a local group. My kids had to answer pre-lab questions which they attached to their lab reports. I did this to make sure that they had thoroughly read the lab instructions before coming to class. Some of the Spectrum labs are quite complex!


Lab reports: 40%

Daily work: 10% (chapter questions/problems)

Spectrum quizzes: 25% 

Quarterly tests: 25% (I wrote these).

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