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HOD reputation for writing - weak or strong?

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I recently discovered HOD and I am trying to learn all I can about it. I did various searches on the forum to see what is "the hive" consensus, but I couldn't sift through the results. I'm specifically interested to hear about the sufficiency of (or any other comments) HOD scheduled writing.


Thanks, as always! You all are so helpful!

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I would say it depends.  :-)


Formal HOD writing is outsourced in both programs I've used -- one level used Essentials in Writing (World History) and the other Institute for Essentials in Writing (Res to Ref).  I don't love IEW, but I've been pleased with EIW for my older student.  However, I would not call either writing program particularly strong -- probably average.


However, and this is a HUGE however, I feel that overall the writing is strong with HOD because the students constantly have to write outside of the official writing program.  For older students, they are writing about literature every day, and some of the literary analysis questions are quite complex, IMO. HOD also includes near-daily history writing as well.  By force of sheer frequency, my older son (16) has learned to sit down and write a short essay (3-5 paragraphs) or narration without agonizing over it for hours.  He had a steep, steep learning curve with this program, but it was well worth it for him.  It took a lot of powering through in the early weeks, though. 


I will say, that the writing in HOD can be overkill at times.  It is a lot.  For my students, it was a good thing because it got them in the habit of writing across the curriculum, and being able to sit down and write about almost any topic without the eyes glazing over and a state of near-paralysis setting in.

Edited by Serenade
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I would say strong.  There are numerous writing programs used over the years in addition to the writing exercises in Rod and Staff lessons.  Then additional writing is scheduled across the curriculum.  There is a ton of writing! 


That being said, I know myself and a few others feel it might be a bit scattered since so many different methods are used.  But some may see that as a pro rather than a con.

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I see your children are young.  I would say the writing in the lower guides is very CM.  It is slow to start.  I would say you aren't really doing writing until Preparing which is the 3rd/4th grade guide depending on which guide you start with for kindergarten.  For k-3rd grade, I would say it is lower than what is expected of peers of the same age/grade.  It does ramp up in the middle school guides.  We did not like either Write with the Best writing components.  IEW worked really well for my kids.  I would say if you start HOD in the younger guides and try to jump to something else before 6th grade or so your writing skills would be lacking at that time b/c of the CM nature of the early guides.  I think it evens out after the guide with IEW.  I would say it ramps up and evens out writing in Resurrection to Reformation.  Before that, I would say it is light on the writing.

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I see your children are young. I would say the writing in the lower guides is very CM. It is slow to start. I would say you aren't really doing writing until Preparing which is the 3rd/4th grade guide depending on which guide you start with for kindergarten. For k-3rd grade, I would say it is lower than what is expected of peers of the same age/grade. It does ramp up in the middle school guides. We did not like either Write with the Best writing components. IEW worked really well for my kids. I would say if you start HOD in the younger guides and try to jump to something else before 6th grade or so your writing skills would be lacking at that time b/c of the CM nature of the early guides. I think it evens out after the guide with IEW. I would say it ramps up and evens out writing in Resurrection to Reformation. Before that, I would say it is light on the writing.

This is super helpful! Thank you! I had the same impression from my "research" into HOD.

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