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That I am home by myself all day! (Sort of)


Youngest dd is going to b&m school full-time for the month of May to help us decide what to do for next year. She really wants to go to school all day, and we want to factor that into our decision. This will give her a chance to see if the grass really is greener on the other side. She still wants to be able to do the fun homeschool activities that we are blessed to be able to do such as co-op, classes at the nature center and college, and lots of fieldtrips. Of course if she goes to school, she won't be able to do that stuff. This opportunity will give us a chance to see if it is a good fit for her.


I have been looking forward to having days at the house by myself since we set this plan up. What I didn't consider was that college kids finished classes last week and have finals this week. And middle dd's track finishes tomorrow, so she will be home after school (an hour earlier that youngest dd will get home), so I don't think I get any full days home without kids. Oldest dd is gone right now for a final, but not the whole day. I go get ds' stuff from college on Wed, although he won't be home until Sunday.


This house needs deep cleaning and organizing. I think I will start with the schoolroom, aka the living room. I kept it tidy until after Christmas when dd convinced me to allow her to set-up some of her Playmobil in there. The deal was that is to only stay on the shelf that we set-up for her. Well, that didn't last long and now both the dining room and school room are one big Playmobil village. It gets played with all the time, but is messy! Dd and her friends are too scared to play in the basement by themselves and her room is too small to set it up in there (packed with her other toys).


So, anyway, starting my morning off on here and not getting anything done! It is cold and rainy, so hard to get motivated to get off the couch.

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My 3 children started PS this year for 6th and 7th grade after homeschooling up to this point.  They LOVE it. They are learning a lot and have become so independent with their work.  They never ask me for anything really.  I had 3 babies in 13 months and homeschooled them until this year.  I have to tell you that I have LOVED every minute of the time I've had to do my own thing around our home.  I'm also working out every day which is really nice.  


I really thought I would be so sad with them gone all day and that I would get bored.  The day goes by really quick so that doesn't happen.  I loved our time together homeschooling but I'm also loving this new chapter in our lives.  It's nice to have this time to do what I want to do now. 





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