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Latin for Children Primer A


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Does anyone use Latin For Children(Primer A) with FLL or any other english grammar program other than Shurley? Our almost 10 yods is loving the program thus far, however chapter 3 seems to involve grammar he isn't familiar with and its been a little frustrating for him. LFC says they're integrated with Shurley Grammar , so does this mean if he doesn't use Shurley , the frustration may continue? He loves the activity book and all of it, they just threw us with First Declension Noun along with its case and noun jobs. It tells you not to worry about noun jobs until later, however he has no familiarity with case (Nominative, Genitive,Dative,Accusative, or Ablative) yet. Anyone have any input? Thanks so much in advance. :001_huh:

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who have had Shurley. For us, Shurley has made the grammar much, MUCH, easier. I really like the Shurley/LfC combo, especially with LfC B. Frankly, Shurley made Wheelock's easier for me just because the parsing method in Shurley was much easier for Latin translation than diagramming sentences.

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We use R&S grammar along with LfC here. We're only on lesson 7 of LfC A, but we haven't had any problems yet. In chapter 4 we basically just memorized the names of the cases and the endings. I explained that the nominative case is used mostly for the subject of the sentence and the genitive case can be used to show possession. Beyond that, I told her we would learn what the rest were used for later. HTH

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My children's only encounter with case has been through Latin for Children. You aren't "supposed" to know case before you get to it in chapter 3. Just chant it and memorize it and you'll learn what to do with it later. My oldest 2 (who are beginning LfC Primer C) understand case very well now.


BTW, we have been using FLL for grammar.

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I agree with other commenter's. Shurley Grammar is not necessary! It will help because it is a pretty intense, thorough Grammar program. Kids who complete Shurley Grammar know how to parse sentences and understand parts of speech. Use the grammar program that works best for you and your child. Memorize the terms in LFC. You and your child will gain depth and understanding of the definitions later. You may not even need to memorize every single term. Just expose your child to the concepts and dive in a little deeper when your ready.


I have used FLL and LLATL. We currently use Shurley and it works well with LFC, but other programs will work just fine too. Also: it's okay to learn grammar concepts in your Latin studies. Sometimes it makes more sense because Latin is a language that follows the rules (unlike English)!

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We are in LFC A as well. Our grammar comes from Classical Writing. Are you using the DVD's? I find them helpful to know whether I need to worry about already knowing what the terms mean.


So far we have just memorized them. I have not had Latin before so I am trying to work minimum a week or two ahead of my ds so I'll have a better understanding.

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Thanks for all the responses. Paula, I actually have not used the dvd for lfc yet. We have it, but I've gotten so anal about television even though I know this is educational......... I really should just check it out myself,maybe it will be more helpful. For fun, I asked ds tonight right before bed if he remembered the case from 1st declension noun chapter and he did! He was proud and encouraged.Thank you!!:lol:

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Thanks for all the responses. Paula, I actually have not used the dvd for lfc yet. We have it, but I've gotten so anal about television even though I know this is educational......... I really should just check it out myself,maybe it will be more helpful. For fun, I asked ds tonight right before bed if he remembered the case from 1st declension noun chapter and he did! He was proud and encouraged.Thank you!!:lol:



Your welcome, don't underestimate your ds either. I did that with one of the chapter reviews, I thought he won't remember these, they're too hard. He blew me away and knew them all. :D

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