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Quick BA 3 question


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I introduced BA a couple weeks ago. We are just reading the textbook and doing exercises in the textbook. When we are finished we will go back and do the practice question book.


Is this going to be a big problem? I started that way because we were still technically finishing Singapore 2 and I didn't want extra work. And I guess I'll find out next week when we get to it. But reading BA is more fun than problems for us, so that's what we started.

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I don't think that will be a problem. Are you going to read the whole text before going back to do the practice book? The only thing I can think of is that if you read all the chapters before starting the practice, it would be easy to forget some of what was taught in the first chapter by the time you finished reading all the chapters. But it says somewhere right in the practice book that if you want to read the whole chapter first, then do all the practice problems for that chapter, that is ok.


We always break up the readings in BA because it is like a little motivator to get through the workbook. Some days DS is super motivated to do extra problems because he knows if we can just get to X page, we get to read the next day.

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We usually just read the whole chapter in a sitting. Then we did the practice over many days - some chapters took a few weeks, others were less. We would pull out the comic text and reread bits if it seemed needed or relevant.


I don't think I'd read the whole thing at once... but my kids aren't patient with rereading, so if yours are, that's fine. Read the whole thing but then go back and reread the sections as you do the practice.

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We always break up the readings in BA because it is like a little motivator to get through the workbook. Some days DS is super motivated to do extra problems because he knows if we can just get to X page, we get to read the next day.


This is exactly what we did.  DD got through all of BA 3 plus 4A & 4B during her fourth grade year.

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All my kids read the books on their own immediately when they arrive. Then ds (the only one officially doing the program) is happy to read through the second again when he gets to the prompts in the book. He seems to occasionally read them again when I rearrange the school stuff.


No harm done, because there aren't spoilers in the books.

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