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Accepting scholarships at a school the student may not attend


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I'm wondering about the ethics of accepting a scholarship at a school that DD may decide not to attend.  She will be a transfer student in Spring 2017 and the two main schools she is looking at have WILDLY different deadlines.  One school she has already been accepted and offered a nice scholarship, the other doesn't even open the admission application for Spring 2017 until this August.


She is leaning towards the second school but her major has a competitive entry so it isn't a sure thing. She would like to keep the first school as an option until she finds out if she is accepted to her major at the second school.  This could be well into the fall semester from my understanding.


She is supposed to log into the portal for the first school before May 1 to accept or decline the scholarship.  Is there an ethical problem with accepting it now when she won't know for sure if she is even attending for several more months?  


I was so pleased to side step the crazy senior year admissions process when DD decided to take advantage of the free community college program Tennessee started.  But it seems like we just postponed the pain for a few semesters!

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Normally this isn't an issue at all. If she turns it down, most schools will find someone else to award it to. Be sure to read the fine print though. I know of one school that charges a $50 fee if you're awarded financial aid and then don't go there.

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