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If you had to spend no money on school books . . .

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I didn't see anyone mention their county book depository. Have you all not found this wonderful resource? I've been to two county book depositories (that take all of the public school discards). The first: every book, workbook, textbook, library book (including wonderful Landmarks and other treasures) was free! Loved that place.


A neighboring county depository charges a minimal fee per book and text, but also weekly sells off desks, tables, chairs, computers, chalk/whiteboards, drafting tables and supplies, and just about anything else you would find at a school at minimal prices.


So check with your county public school media center and find out what they do with their discards! It can be a wealth of free to cheap schooling for the year.




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And I don't think anyone has mentioned The Book Samaritan. Here's a quote from their website:


We provide books and curriculum to families who have financial

needs. If you have budgetary constraints that are hindering your

ability to provide your children with the best possible curriculum

choices, please let us help.


They take donations, too:


We recognize that for those homeschoolers who are more financially

secure, our services are not necessary. If this applies to you, we

thank you for not requesting materials. Instead, we humbly ask that

you consider a donation of your used curriculum. We rely on your


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Ambleside Online would be my solution. AO is such a well organized resource. I'd also consider Samaritan Books especially for math.

The library, thrift stores, bartering, and trading with other homeschooling families would be another option. And one of those book trading groups like Book mooch.

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