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S/O Do you like getting dressed up?

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Oh, yes, I have my favorite dress for chicken killin', my favorite dress for possum skinnin', and I wear a gown for Bodkin huntin'.




Honestly, I love it. Back in college, a friend and I used to go to bridal shops and try on formal gowns for the fun of it. Fabulously girly? A couple times a year would be nice. Snazzy girly? Perfection would be once every couple months date nights. Girlish girly? Sometimes I wish long dresses were the "thing". If I switched now, in the setting I am currently in, it would be assumed I'd joined a nearby church/cult rather than assumed I'd just discovered my more feminine side. You'd have to know the area to understand. It's not just a matter of worrying what others think.


I LOVE my blue jeans and t-shirts. A switch to dresses would be wonderful, but they would have to be very casual and comfy.

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Two threads on the same subject? lol


Like I said, I am a very casual person, but don't mind getting dressed up for something on occassion.


I like how I look in high heels, too. So does dh. But they don't seem to work with the hsing and soccer stuff much. :D So every once in while, a dress, matching undies, and pretty shoes that flatter the leg (which Keens and Merrils really don't lol) is ok w/me.

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