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This completely defeats me............

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I can't get my laptop to turn on. The little lights will blink, it will say that it's resuming, then it all goes dead. Less than a year old. Maybe I need a new battery charger??


No advice but I feel your pain. Primary house computer crashed two days before Cmas. With our renovations, dh was just able to get it all back up and running about a month ago. Less than a week later, it died again. ;-{ We had to go out and purchase new. I hope that is not what you have to do!

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or it could be where the charger plugs into your computer. When you do plug in look to see if a light comes on to show it is charging. Ours is at the front of our computer, so we don't necessarily have to have the computer on to see if it is charging. We have an HP and the port where you plug in failed numerous times. Thankfully we had the extra coverage plan to cover replacing that part. It failed on us 3 times. I hope you find it is something easy to fix.

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