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Two curricula options for HSing - thoughts?!


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I have two rising 4th graders and one 3rd grader in the fall. Here are our two options for curricula. Both options include daily read alouds and books they are reading for enjoyment.


Option #1



Spalding Spelling (considering to switch to R&S Spelling though)


R&S English

Latina Christiana

Singapore Math




Option #2


Science in the Beginning - Dr. Wile

VP Self Paced

Spalding Spelling (maybe R&S Spelling)


R&S English

Latina Christiana

Singapore Math


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I can't say which I would recommend since I haven't used MFW ECC, but I did want to point out that we are using MFW CtG and it uses Science in the Beginning. So, if you're thinking of sticking with MFW, maybe you'd want to use ECC this year, then next year you'd get Science in the Beginning with CtG? FWIW, we are enjoying both. :)

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Spalding is my favorite. :D


It is, however, teacher intensive, so consider carefully whether you want to devote the time to it. If your children read and spell well, then they'll probably do just fine with Spelling by Sound and Structure, which is *very* independent.


FTR, R&S's English series has more than enough writing; you don't *need* WWE.

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Do NOT use Rod and Staff Spelling.  THat left my dd with major gaps and we needed to use remedial spelling to fix it.  She is not a natural speller and also possibly mild dysgraphia but still I find that it is very weak.


I would go with Spalding or if you can afford it, All About Spelling which is based on the Orton Gillingham method but more accessable and easy to use!!  Spalding can be very hard to get started with....I never overcame ...IF AAS had been around for my dd it would have been a great choice for her.



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