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Well I went ahead and ordered Apples and Pears last night

lori in tx

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We spend 10-15 minutes a day on it. My girls only do 1/2 level at a time as handwriting (the actual physical writing) is hard for them.


What level did you get? 11 dd is almost done with B and 13dd just started very slowly on A.


I am hoping it will help my 11yo. if you are a user how long do you spend on spelling? Also does it cover homophones and common misspelled words?



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Guest joysdachshunds

Hi I was wandering about Apples and Pears Spelling can someone give me the pros/cons to it? I have looked over it and I like what I see. I have a child who is a poor speller but is not a special needs child will this still work for him? He will be 11 in 25 days and I need something to help out! Let me know what you all think. Thanks!


In HIS Hands,



PS Is there somewhere in the USA to purchase it or do I need to purchase it from the UK?

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Well, I have been using it for 1 1/2-2 years now---or at least their materials.




easy to use

spelling carries over to other subjects

seems to "stick"--not just learn a list and forget it next week

really helps those that struggle with spelling



more expensive than many programs

does need to be taught 1:1 (can't just tell them to go do their spelling) but an older sibling that reads well can "teach" it

isn't "typical" in its word lists which might throw some people off


I do like it though. It is working for both of my girls and even I am learning some of the WHYs behind spelling.


I think they now mail it out from a US site but the program was authored in the UK and that is where Tom and Hilsie live. They are wonderful to work with though if you have any questions or problems.

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