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What are you using for middle school earth science???


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Dd in 6th loved science til now. This year she is doing Earth Science with Science Explorer...and now dreads science!!!


I did get PLATO Earth Science and that she likes but not the PH SE.


What about TOPS? But that is only experiments, right? She loves experiments...but Mom doesn't! So they need to be simple and quick to do!


Any suggestions?




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You've gotten some good ideas, so I will resist the urge to suggest other books and kits. One of the things I now avoid doing is switching out of a good program with older children. If you've used it for at least a month and it was an investment, just stay with it and make other changes.


One thing we do is add Bill Nye and other online videos to our studies. Almost all of the Bill Nye videos are on youtube. Check out some of these that relate to Earth Science



Kramph's experiments are very simple. Just register and you can read the archives and view the videos of the experiments that are online


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Thank you for posting about Bill Nye on YouTube. They are too expensive to buy and I can't get them at the library or through Netflix. I never would have thought of YouTube.


We are doing TOPS Rocks and Minerals and Joy Hakim's History of Science right now. I am probably going to get CyberEd earth science.



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We loved "Reader's Digest: How Earth Works" along with TOPS Rocks & Minerals, and John Tiner's book "Exploring Planet Earth" for fascinating geography/explorer info. "How Earth Works" is a series of 2-page spreads with lots of great experiment ideas, and the TOPS gave us additional experiments. We used "How Earth Works" as a "spine" and looked at websites and other books to "go deeper" in topics that took our interest. We did some google searches and came up with fascinating websites with lots of visuals on things like seeing a glacier move, erosion, volcanoes, earthquakes, etc. We also found some great PBS shows at our local library on earth science topics: NOVA, Nature, Savage Earth, etc. And definitely check out the PBS website for Savage Earth with lots of video clips and text info: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/savageearth/



My 2 cents worth: you'll have to switch to textbooks and reports and formal learning for science soon enough in high school -- so find a science program you LIKE now in those middle school years to keep alive that love of learning and discovery! BEST of luck finding what works for your family! Warmly, Lori D.

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before you switch, I have to ask you a question. Are you using the Skills Labs, At Home Activities, and cross-curricular activities? There are so many ideas in the P-H SE, but I think lots of people skip them. To spice it up without switching, you could get the Interactive Text for $1.25, which contains 3 Discovery video clips per chapter section. For about $15, you can get the Lab Zone planner, which gives you answers and discussion questions for all the labs/activities.


I personally find SE activity-rich. There is more there than we can do! So, I'd emphasize those activities more. Another supplement idea is the Science in a Nutshell kits. They go fairly well with SE.



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Actually, the problem lies in a couple places....


#1; dd is lazy and does not want to do the workbook. yet, I think she needs them for understanding and retention.


I don't if that is why she thinks it is boring. Could be the subject matter. But she kid of likes the PLATO science.


#2: Mom needs to get better organized and plan ahead in order to have the supplieswe need together and prepared for activites and experiments. (I am still trying to plan our school year! Late start!):tongue_smilie:


I will work on it.



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Thanks for your 2 cents. Your viewpoint makes sense. Since she is now in 6th grade, I was more in the mindset of getting her used to more formal learning via textbook and workbooks but yet, I don't want to kill her love of learning and make is drudgery!

I will check out TOPS again and the other resources you mentioned.

Thanks so much for the refreshing viewpoint! It really helps!


With thanks,


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