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MFW ECC Reviews

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I might not be able to help much but I can say, I plan to use it next year:). We have used mfw since kinder. I've loved some years and not others. I almost jumped ship next year and considered leaving because I'd heard ecc isn't as fun or easy to follow. But then I talked to the girls on the mfw board and they reassured me to stay the course. Over time I believe I will love the foundation it lays. I think each year has it quirks that you have to get past. For me, the benefit of it bring nicely laid out for me to follow is very much worth it.



Homeschooling mama of 4... Preschool 3, preschool 4, 1st, and 2nd:)

Edited by sunshineslp
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We loved it and are now continuing with MFW!


I used this program with an academically advanced second grader. It was our first year using MFW and he actually said "You found the right curriculum". 

I loved how the science, geography/cultures, and art worked together for one theme. The book basket list is wonderful and I read many of those books out loud. Ds still retains his learning from using the Geography Game. Also, the Bible is a short reading from the actual Bible, not a storybook. I plan to use it for dd when she is old enough.


I cut out a few of the missionary stories books because I felt they were a bit too emotionally heavy for ds at that time. 


We have also had success with MFW Language Lessons for Today and MFW recommended Spelling Power.

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We did it years ago, like 9 years ago!! We enjoyed it. The thing it did for our family at the time was to kick off a love for missions and viewing the world in that light. It seems weird to me now because that is just part of how we view life now, but we didn't at that time. We don't use mfw anymore though I am using k with my youngest, but we apply a lot of the missions focus to our lives on a daily basis.


What I didn't like is the same thing I am weary with about MFW K and that is how it is the same stuff over and over. Every few weeks we did the same things over a different continent. I think we just got weary of the repetitive nature of it.

Edited by Texas T
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I've used twice so far.  First time was a long long time ago when my oldest was in 2nd grade. (It was before mfw wrote Adventures so we started with ecc).  Like it a lot. continued with their stuff for long time.  Did ECC again when oldest was 7th grade and middle gal in 4th.  And next year, looks like my youngest (who has special needs) might use the fun stuff of ecc as supplements in a semester of her modified high school credit in geography.

I have the odd experience of using it back when it was just written for 2nd-6th grade, and then also the experience when the jr. high stuff was added and the science book changed.. 


likes: structure, but yet flexibility to do which craft we wanted and to not feel like it had to be fancy blog worthy craft.  The sameness (using same patterns in each country) worked for our family.  I get it that isn't the case with everyone.

It just felt doable.  Back in those days, I liked going to library to get books.   the read alouds were fun and enjoyable  a few tissue box moments with those.


warm fuzzy memories years down the road.....(oldest is in college now, middle in 11th grade..  )

lots of good memories of oldest and middle playing songs, being silly, making terrarium (as rainforest) and decorating felt square to dress up our stuffed animals for "carnival".   I have to link to that picture. giggle.



oh yeah, I also have good warm fuzzy memory of how youngest (who has autism) connected in school time with her sisters on the memory verses.  in ECC they were doing Matthew 5 : 14-16, and in mfw Kindy, youngest had her Bible words of Jesus is the light of the world.   And when older two were reciting verse, youngest grabbed her memory card.  It was neat moment in homeschooling for us.  more of a God thing than an mfw thing, but still.. I'm old and it's my warm fuzzy memories.


dislikes: for my youngest, even going into 9th grade, it's too much!  I'm giggling a bit b/c I saw a thread a little further down the board about what is out there that's ecc but lighter.    However, it never felt heavy with my other two.  hmm.  odd huh?

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We tried it in 3rd grade, immediately following Adventures (the updated version). We didn't last two weeks with it and left MFW after. The science was too much for 3rd grade. The books assigned for reading were extremely random. They would have us read one chapter on one page of one book, part of another book, and sometimes part of a third. The part I didn't like about MFW was that it was written to the higher age range (which they openly state, to be fair) and they expect the younger to go along, but if your oldest is on the younger side, it kinda took the fun out of it. Just our experience, hope it helps!

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