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Exercise Thread: Feb 28-March 5

Kim in Appalachia

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Liking that you managed hot yoga, and it opened your sinuses. Hoping your chest stops hurting and the coughing stops soon.


Sunday I finagled dh to critique a couple minutes of the 30 min. Zumba Santao workout to see what I was doing wrong. That helped. I was looking forward to 60 min. today but life happened.  :tongue_smilie:  I'm hoping I can make it to the last actual Zumba class of the season tomorrow night. Fingers crossed!

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I just ordered a rowing machine today which should be here sometime next week. I haven't exercised regularly since August so I am super excited to get back on it!

I really want a rowing machine someday. Have fun!


Sunday I ran my longest run ever: 7 miles. It was awesome. Even more awesome: while my feet were tired after I finished, I didn't hurt at all the next day!


Monday was a rest day, but I did manage a brisk walk.


Tuesday was a 3.5 mile run at a faster pace than my usual (don't get excited. Fast for me is 13.5 minutes per mile).

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I managed to get to the last Zumba class of the season Tuesday night. I suspect the instructor incorporated some moves from the Tabata class she takes. I enjoyed the burn!

Work was super busy yesterday, so that had to be my workout.

Today I got in the 30 minute Zumba toning.


I had a doctor's appointment. He said Pilates and Yoga were better for the core than Zumba. Hmmm.

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I managed to get to the last Zumba class of the season Tuesday night. I suspect the instructor incorporated some moves from the Tabata class she takes. I enjoyed the burn!

Work was super busy yesterday, so that had to be my workout.

Today I got in the 30 minute Zumba toning.


I had a doctor's appointment. He said Pilates and Yoga were better for the core than Zumba. Hmmm.


I think that's probably correct, though surprising that a doctor knows that much about exercise!  


I think of Zumba primarily as HIIT cardio, though if you are attentive, many of the moves have the potential to work the core if you do them correctly. Our instructor reminds us about that frequently. (She'll point to her belly button or say, "Belly button to backbone" or some other cue.) 

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I think that's probably correct, though surprising that a doctor knows that much about exercise!  


I think of Zumba primarily as HIIT cardio, though if you are attentive, many of the moves have the potential to work the core if you do them correctly. Our instructor reminds us about that frequently. (She'll point to her belly button or say, "Belly button to backbone" or some other cue.) 

Oh, I live in a very active area. People move here to get outdoors. Yeah, I guess I could have mentioned that a couple of those dvds move past just cardio and target muscles a bit, like the one with the chair is pretty good for the abs, I think.

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Yesterday, I ended up with a rest day because I was just.so.tired. I figured I needed it. Today, as I was reading the book Framework (DiNubile), it mentioned that dehydration was a cause of fatigue. Hmmm. Wonder if that is what was going on yesterday. 


Today, no one could go with me for a hike, so I have to go to the gym and do boring moderate aerobic stuff then my weight training that got skipped yesterday. I will be there quite a while. The good thing is that because it's so moderate, I can read and still be in the range the sports cardiologist recommended. (1 hour of moderate per day to increase the size of the chamber of the left ventricle.) I will probably do the rowing machine (no reading) just to mix it up a bit. 


I will finish typing this and go pack my gym bag b/c otherwise, I'm afraid of how this will end!

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So last night, I did pack my gym bag and get to the gym. I did an hour of moderate aerobics: rowing machine, elliptical, bike, and treadmill. It was mind-numbingly boring to exercise inside for that long even switching up. I had taken reading material, but it didn't really fit with the shelf on the machines. I followed with lower body strength-training/lifting.


I also made the mistake of doing the aerobic part first then lifting. I will reverse that for the future! 


Today, I need to do upper body strength-training and it's a pretty day so hopefully I can rustle up some company for a nice 1-2 hour hike. 

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