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Writing: IEW ?s


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DS1 is 9 1/2 and DS2 is nearly 8 and both are dyslexic. DS1 is now reading - Yay Barton Reading and Spelling!!! He is just beginning Level 5....Level 4 is TOUGH!!! And DS2 is starting Level 4.

I would really love to get them writing more now (or I should say, composing....I want them to know *how* to organize and write papers, but they are not necessarily able, yet, to do so due to the spelling aspect of it. Though, with help, it could work.

Anyway, I've looked frequently at IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing) and I really feel like it could be a good fit for my boys (very structured).

But, what I don' know.... for anyone who does or has used it - is it at all feasible to *just* get the "Teaching Writing: Structure and Style [seminar Practicum and Workbook]" or do I *have to* have the DVD Seminar, Premium Subscription too?

Are there other really good writing programs out there that you love that teach the structure aspect (the WHY of how/why we put sentences together the way we do for "good" writing)?

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You really want the teacher dvds to go along with the teacher notebook. They do have a great resale value however.


The teacher dvds teach you all the whys and hows of the program. From here, you "could" create your own, but I like the student materials as well. Some people only get the student materials, but I think you are missing out on a lot without the teacher material.


I think IEW is a great step from Barton. I've moved away from it now, but it is fantastic at providing structure to those kids that need it.



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I guess this depends on how well you do at teaching without a lot of support. If you need the support, get the TWSS DVDs. They are super helpful. If you don't need that level of handholding and guidance you will probably be ok with the other.


I agree, IEW would probably be a really good writing stepping stone with Barton.


If you need a typing program I also recommend Touch Type Read and Spell. Pairs beautifully with Barton. Usually on sale at Homeschool Buyer's coop.

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Maybe watch the Dr. Charles Haynes webinar prior to any writing instruction.  The webinar will help direct your focus and emphasis with IEW or any writing program for that matter.  ETA:  You are going to have to slow down, modify, and scaffold a great deal when teaching writing to your kiddos.

Edited by Heathermomster
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In Barton there is outside  reading restriction until Level 6, I would not have my kids write anything outside of the program until they are through with Level 6 of the Barton program. Until then, they do not know many of the rules for reading many common words and it may reinforce compensatory strategies that will make Barton tutoring harder down the line. You want to break the "bad habits" and reinforce the good ones. 


That said, IEW is a great tool after child has completed enough Barton tutoring. I am using it with my kid who is in Level 9 of Barton and it is great. 

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In Barton there is outside  reading restriction until Level 6, I would not have my kids write anything outside of the program until they are through with Level 6 of the Barton program. Until then, they do not know many of the rules for reading many common words and it may reinforce compensatory strategies that will make Barton tutoring harder down the line. You want to break the "bad habits" and reinforce the good ones. 


That said, IEW is a great tool after child has completed enough Barton tutoring. I am using it with my kid who is in Level 9 of Barton and it is great. 

I appreciate your input, especially since you are a formal Barton tutor.  I did want to clarify something.  Doesn't even Susan Barton say it is fine to start a formal writing program (even specifically IEW) after Level 4?  I understand the concern about guessing but after Level 4 at least my DD can now decode a tremendous number of words.  Level 5 has given her a zillion more.  Also, the student can have the tutor read with them so they aren't guessing on decoding or reinforcing bad habits.  I think there are many students who could tackle IEW, going slowly while continuing Barton, after Level 4 of Barton.  If the student starts struggling, or picking up "bad habits" again, then yes stopping IEW for the time being would probably be prudent, though.

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I am so glad you posted, I did look that up. and you are correct. After level for IEW can be used as an "add on" program . I was mistaking it with grammar which is not recommended at that level. I clearly need more coffee!

Edited by Chanley
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We actually use IEW in coop class but I scribe for my dyslexic ds. He is just completing level 4 of Barton but has done really well with IEW because I have removed the difficulty of physical writing and the worry of spelling. It is incredible how well his "writing" skills have developed doing it this way. Just another option. :)

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Thank you ALL for the input!

MyLittleBears - if/when I get the IEW stuff I want, I will assume that I will be doing the physical writing (for now!), but I am ok with that! I'd rather have my boys have an understanding of *how* to write (how to put a sentence, paragraph, story) together properly than have them worry about spelling the words, again, for now!


After talking with a couple of moms from Co-op, I am even more sure that it is something I want and need to purchase! (though, since our local convention is next month and IEW will have a booth, I *might* just wait to get it there! ;) )


And, OneStepAtATime - I agree regarding reading words/books after level 4. DS1 (just starting level 5) now reads ALL the time (Imagination Station and MineCraft books primarily). I feel crazy telling him he *has to* stop reading to go to sleep, but it must be done or he'd stay up reading all night! (he's like me and just wants to find out what happens next....aka, "just one more page/chapter"! :-)

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