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I think I caught the Wordpress bug!  I created my own website on Wordpress and can't get enough.  I want to learn html and css and whatever else I need to know to customize.


I am a complete beginner.  Any resources that you have experience with?  I am trying Udacity right now and it's making leaps that I am not ready for -I don't understand the big picture of how everything works.



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I can't speak to the HTML or CSS classes (I took those at community college), but I really like Lynda.com. It's a monthly subscription but the classes are high quality with thorough explanations and relevant content. Good luck!

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I recently started a blog, too, and was surprised to find how much I love working on websites.  Wordpress is so much fun to use.  However, for now I do almost everything with plugins, because I don't understand very much at all about HTML or CSS.  And if something can't be done with a plugin, I can usually figure it out with enough google searches and the help of my 13 year old son who likes websites, too.


My sister designs websites for a living and highly recommends Lynda.com, too, for those wanting to learn more.  There are a lot of free places that we've used, if you don't want to pay. We've used W3 schools among others.

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Thank you all.


Update:  I am in the middle of a Coursera Website Design course (free with financial aid - thank you Coursera!) and I am spending hours on Code Academy and Lynda.  I am also reading and reading.


I am having a blast and, for an old lady of 47, I am so pleased that my brain CAN keep up and learn and retain.  I feared it could not!


Thanks again.  



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