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Needing to do an extra year of high school because of medical issues Help me think through this

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So, the last 2 months have resulted in NO school for my 10th grader because of a newly diagnosed disease and acute renal failure from it.  She is home now and her kidneys are recovering and treatments ongoing(so we will miss some more days here and there), but we lost not only this time but the 1 month before that was not real solid school wise either because she was starting to not feel well.  And we probably won't be at full school strength right away now either.


We have decided to continue 10th grade through next year.   I am starting to think through how to transcript this and how to do some of the courses.  For instance Biology she will finish next year at least by Christmas.  I though about doing some Anatomy and Physiology through the rest of next year as she is highly interested in that now, but would I transcript a semester of that and a semester of her Physical Science from 9th grade?  Or just transcript Physical Science and Biology and not even note the Anatomy?


How have you handled such issues?  Any other suggestions about this odd situation?




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I'd just transcript it as 5 years of high school, adding grade 13. Give credit for what you finish in 10th, but don't give Fs for what you had to leave by the wayside. Grade 10 will be short some credits. You'll catch up in grades 11, 12, and 13, and explain the tough year in your counselor's letter.


Give credits where they are due. If she completed anatomy, she should get credit for it. I put the credits in the year where most of the work was completed. Some use the school year the course started or ended. Pick what makes sense and stick with it.


Wishing her a smooth recovery.

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When she applies to colleges, you can explain the reason for the extra year in the counselor letter if at that point you feel you need to.  You can also group the classes by subject, rather than year, to make this year look less odd.

Edited by EKS
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I would just do a transcript by subject, not by year.  Lots of people do that.  Give her credit for what she does - so for example, you could do 1 credit for biology, and .5 credit for anatomy/physiology.  And if she did a full year of physical science, then she gets 1 credit for that, too.


One of the advantages of being homeschoolers is flexible schedules.  There's no rule that says that 1 credit must be completed in 1 calendar year.  My kids will have several classes where they get 1 credit, because they did 1 credit's worth of work and learned the material, but they did it spread out over two or more years.  Likewise, if they can do 1 credit's worth of material faster than 1 year (ie dual enrollment in a college class, or just accelerated learning/spending more time each day), they can get 1 credit in less than 1 year.


Don't sweat the dates - just give credit for the work that's been done.  Best wishes for her health to improve.  :)

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