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Resources for teaching Latin roots, etc.?


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So, I'd always planned to teach full-on Latin when my oldest daughter began 4th grade (next fall). It would be totally new to me (I don't know Latin!), but it's something I'd been looking forward to. But for several months now, my daughter has been begging to learn French. She's really interested in the country and culture and for months has been checking French/English dictionaries out of the library and copying them, etc. So, now I'm thinking it's pretty obvious I should just let her formally study French next year, instead of Latin. (I say "instead" because I just don't see how I could take on the instruction of TWO languages next year, on top of all our other studies.) But the reason I wanted to do Latin in the first place is because I know it can really help us understand English and I think knowing all those roots and such would be a great benefit to my kids, especially for writing, for vocabulary, and for the sciences.


So, is anyone doing, like...this sort of Cliff Notes version of Latin with their kids? (Ack, that sounds terrible, lol, but it's honestly what I'm looking for.) Are there packaged programs or curricula that just teach Latin roots and parts? (I DEFINITELY won't have time to do come up with Latin instruction on my own, so it would have to be an open-and-go curriculum.) Is it a terrible idea in general to attempt to do hack-Latin in the way I am suggesting? I'd love any input or advice anyone might have on this front. Thank you!!

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Michael Clay Thompson's Caesar's English I and II (you only really need the black and white teacher's book) (a snuggle on the couch type curriculum).




English From the Roots Up Flash Card Set 1 & 2 (the books and the flashcards are pretty much the same.)




Vocabulary from Classical Roots series (workbook type curriculum)







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I have found on teacherspayteachers some great stuff (Greek and Latin roots together). We were using English from the roots up and my kids found it boring. I changed to interactive notebooks I found on tpt with the worksheets to reinforce vocabulary and they've enjoyed it more

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