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9/23 Exercisers...come out come out wherever you are!!

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Sometimes I'm up early and sometimes not. Today was a up early but long time getting out the door. The nice thing is the humidity seems to be a thing of the past, at least this early in the morning. :001_smile:


3.26 miles, 33:38 minutes, 10:18 pace, 378 calories.


Yeah! That's wonderful you got to enjoy the beautiful morning...what a great pace! I only got 1.38miles done on the treadmill in 22 minutes. I'm just starting to do partial running though. I did get up to 4.6 miles/hr for 1 minute. :001_smile:




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I only got 1.38miles done on the treadmill in 22 minutes. I'm just starting to do partial running though. I did get up to 4.6 miles/hr for 1 minute. :001_smile:


If that's your walking pace, that is great!


When I walk, I am very slow. It's a stroll. When I walk, I take the old dog. She's 15 and she tries so hard, but keeping up is just not her thing. We think she's deaf. I don't think her eyesight is that good. But she still tries! When I run I take the young dog. He's 2. I'm running for all I'm worth (well what I can keep going for a while) and he's just keeping up. It's so obvious he could leave me in the dust if he wanted. Of course, he's sacked out on the floor and I'm still upright and thinking about all I have to get done today!

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If that's your walking pace, that is great!


When I walk, I am very slow. It's a stroll. When I walk, I take the old dog. She's 15 and she tries so hard, but keeping up is just not her thing. We think she's deaf. I don't think her eyesight is that good. But she still tries! When I run I take the young dog. He's 2. I'm running for all I'm worth (well what I can keep going for a while) and he's just keeping up. It's so obvious he could leave me in the dust if he wanted. Of course, he's sacked out on the floor and I'm still upright and thinking about all I have to get done today!


I actually upped my interval today so I was doing a bit more running than I usually do...here's what it looked like (not that it's that interesting...) I'm not even sure if I'm defining the "intervals" correctly.



3.6 warmup for 2min

1 minute each 4x

3.8 walk

4.0 walk

4.2 run

4.4 run

after I do those 4 rates 4x at 1min each then

4.6 run 1min

and then cool down.


I'm trying to creep up to a decent pace but this is good for me. It's the hardest I've ever gone before.



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It sounds like the cooler temps has everyone moving well this morning. I did 3.2 miles last night (walking). I couldn't go out this morning due to the wind, and I am about due for a rest day anyway (at least a rest morning) Tonight I will either walk outside (if the wind lets up) or do the treadmill.


Great job last night! I think we're in for that wind later today, tomorrow.

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Ugh, I'm slinking back to this thread after falling off the wagon again. Y'know how vacation goes.... :tongue_smilie: Anyhoo, DH and I took the kids on a bike ride/walk. That is, they rode their bikes, and we attempted to keep up with them. Only problem is that DS can't go very far yet--maybe 1/2 mile, and then he has to start making his way back (or someone ends up carrying the bike). But today was promising! :001_smile:

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Ugh, I'm slinking back to this thread after falling off the wagon again. Y'know how vacation goes.... :tongue_smilie: Anyhoo, DH and I took the kids on a bike ride/walk. That is, they rode their bikes, and we attempted to keep up with them. Only problem is that DS can't go very far yet--maybe 1/2 mile, and then he has to start making his way back (or someone ends up carrying the bike). But today was promising! :001_smile:


It's hard after vacation. At least you got out there!

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Wow, everyone is doing great.


I enjoyed a brisk 30 minute walk. It felt so good after being sick last week. Hopefully, I'll be back to an hour walk by the end of the week.


It does take much shorter time after being sick. Just don't push to hard to get back. You may get sick again.


Great job getting out!

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I started week 3 of Couch to 5K today. I'm determined to run a 5K at some point. A friend asked my if I do a Muddy Buddy with her next year. I'd never heard of it, but it sounds like it could be a lot of fun :001_smile:.


Great job!


I've seen ads for muddy buddy before. I think dh would like it. OR he could do the bike part and I could do the run part. :tongue_smilie:


ETA: I was thinking of a different race!

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