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Lego Class for Co-op


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We are involved in a co-op and the parents need to be thinking of classes they can teach next semester. I asked DS, 11, what would be his dream co-op class and he said something with legos. So I started searching the internet. I found that Lego has kits for homeschoolers, mostly Mindstorm kits. http://www.legoeducation.com/store/SearchResult.aspx?pl=6&c=0&t=0&l=0&bhcp=1 These look really cool! Have any of you ever been involved in a co-op that did a class with Legos? What products did you use? Any recommendations?

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I taught a Lego class in co-op about 3 yrs. ago. We used Lego Crazy Action Contraptions book by Klutz. Here's a link to Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Lego-Crazy-Action-Contraptions-Inventions/dp/1570541574


The kids just loved the class, as did I. Some of the contraptions can be built with only what they provide with the book, but others use standard Legos as well--like the 3 and 4 blocks. Most of the kids that took the class had these standard ones at home that they brought to class.


I would recommend that you get the book and build the contraptions yourself or with your children to see how they come out when you are trying to decide which ones to do for the class. I found that if everyone in the class was working on the same contraction at the same time they really enjoyed helping each other if someone got stuck.


We would build the contraptions for the first half of the class and the second half of the class we put the contraptions to work or to play and had a lot of fun.

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My little guy was too young to make the age cutoff for our local enrichment classes doing Lego Simple Machines. He was crushed! The kits turned out to be fairly inexpensive, so I ordered them to work into our at-home science this year. They are really fun and easy to use - both from a teacher's and a pupil's perspective.



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We are involved in a co-op and the parents need to be thinking of classes they can teach next semester. I asked DS, 11, what would be his dream co-op class and he said something with legos. So I started searching the internet. I found that Lego has kits for homeschoolers, mostly Mindstorm kits. http://www.legoeducation.com/store/SearchResult.aspx?pl=6&c=0&t=0&l=0&bhcp=1 These look really cool! Have any of you ever been involved in a co-op that did a class with Legos? What products did you use? Any recommendations?


Mindstorms are very cool, but aren't cheap. Especially if you had hopes of kids working on them in small groups. If your coop is willing to invest the money in the kit, you might check out First Lego League (FLL). There was a homeschooler group in our state that did very well last year. We have a Mindstorms set and I think that it is rather challenging for younger kids.


You might also try some of the FLL challenges for early elementary grades. They are themed building and research challenges that don't require the robotics kits. Since old challenges are available online, your coop could do them even if you weren't in the FLL competitions.

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A lego class in Co-op sounds really cool! We jsut started co-op this semester and I want to teach classes next semester. I am not totally sure what to teach yet. This is a great idea but teachers have to supply their own supplies. The parents have to pay a small supply fee but no way it would cover that.

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I was interested in doing something like this with my 10 yo son. While researching I came across a lady who used this book (Unofficial LEGO Mindstorms...Inventor's Guide)





as the basis for a curriculum she used once a week with her son.



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