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Not a serious health risk...

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This is what I read that really pisses me off!!!!


"Melamine is sometimes unethically added to food products in order to increase the apparent protein content. Standard tests such as the Kjeldahl and Dumas tests estimate protein levels by measuring the nitrogen content, so they can be misled by adding nitrogen-rich compounds such as melamine."


Does anyone know what other food stuff is made in China?

And - even if it IS made in the USA - are the ingredients made in China and then shipped here and then we make it?


I am so livid right now thinking about the purposeful killing of our children just so someone can make a billion dollars instead of just a million!!!!!!!

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One of the brands of apple juice concentrate that Wal-Mart carries states that either the apples were raised in China, or the concentrate was made in China. I can't remember which it is. However, the apple juice blends (like with kiwi-strawberry or raspberry) do not state that the apples are from China.


I'd really like to hear what other foods come from China as well. I never would have guessed that catfish or shrimp would come from there.



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I went out today to buy vitamins, some cold meds, garlic, etc. I usually buy store brands w/o even thinking about it. Today, every thing I picked up I was scrutinizing for where it was made. Scarily, 99% only said "manufactured for" or "distributed by." I wouldn't buy them. I only ended up buying 1/2 of what I needed (and paid a lot more) b/c they said made in the USA on them.

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