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Alternative to CLE for 6th grade grammar

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We've been using CLE for language arts for grades 3, 4 and 5 and are reasonably happy with it -- but I hear that it gets much more difficult and obscure in 6th grade. My 5th grader has a good grasp of grammar thanks to CLE, but for 6th grade, I want to focus more heavily on writing as this is an area where he could use more practice. I don't want to drop grammar, but I'm wondering if I can find something that might be a bit less intense -- maybe 3 days a week instead of 5. 


Suggestions?  I've looked at Hake, ELTL, Analytical Grammar, etc. -- but nothing seems to strike me as the right fit yet. 


What about BJU English 6? I don't know that I'd use all of the writing since we will also be using IEW US History, but I do like the fact that it alternates writing and grammar. Then again, in looking at the samples, the grammar seems far easier than what he's doing this year in CLE 5. 

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I was going to suggest Hake.


How about Exercises in English by Loyola Press? 


My advice would be try the first few CLE LA 600 LU and see how he does. You can always switch after that. 

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We've been using CLE for language arts for grades 3, 4 and 5 and are reasonably happy with it -- but I hear that it gets much more difficult and obscure in 6th grade. My 5th grader has a good grasp of grammar thanks to CLE, but for 6th grade, I want to focus more heavily on writing as this is an area where he could use more practice. I don't want to drop grammar, but I'm wondering if I can find something that might be a bit less intense -- maybe 3 days a week instead of 5. 


Suggestions?  I've looked at Hake, ELTL, Analytical Grammar, etc. -- but nothing seems to strike me as the right fit yet. 


What about BJU English 6? I don't know that I'd use all of the writing since we will also be using IEW US History, but I do like the fact that it alternates writing and grammar. Then again, in looking at the samples, the grammar seems far easier than what he's doing this year in CLE 5. 


If you want only grammar, then I'd recommend Easy Grammar.

Edited by Ellie
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My oldest used CLE LA 400-704 or so. We just stopped. In retrospect, I'd stop after 5th, and focus more on writing. DD is enjoying the video lessons for Essentials in Writing. Grammar in application without so much intensive, at times abstract, grammar.


My you gets have used it for 1-3 so far, and we still like it...up to a certain point :).

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I've always had a love hate relationship with CLEs LA, but my kids have always liked it. My son did hit a wall this year in the 600s and I've vacillated between pushing through or dropping it completely. We are using iew swi b for writing and have for right now dropped grammar. Next year we'll continue with iew and I'm strongly considering easy grammar.

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CLE 600 is the hardest level, not because of content, but because the exercises are demanding and detailed. We were thinking of giving up, but we pressed on and found 700 to be easier. We then skipped 800. We're now using English 1 (CLE's 9th grade LA) part time in order to maintain the skills DD worked so hard to gain.

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