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Is anyone else feeling remarkably recharged?

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Normally, I am weary by this point in the year and D.O.A. by February - just stick a fork in me, I am done!


This year, we seem to have it all backwards. The beginning of the school year was ROUGH. We had serious illness with dd#2, sick grandma (who later passed away), health issues with my mother, college application stress with dd#1....


Now that spring semester is approaching, none of those stressors are involved, and we are back on course and each day is finding us more efficient! Totally opposite of our normal end-of-year emotions. We are actually having fun again!


(and I only made two between-semester changes in our curriculum. Another first - and only because Thinkwell went to 45% off at homeschoolbuyers co-op today so I switched our government to that, and added Economics for dd#2. Everything else is sticking around. :) )

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I made a command decision, and despite being "behind" where I want us to be, I cancelled school for two weeks.  Big kids are doing some Chemistry labs, but other than that NOTHING.  No video games during the day, just working on baking, and LEGO, coloring, and some organization work.  I'm going back to 9 weeks on 2 weeks off -- and I'm taking the time OFF.   


I have to rearrange some of the schedule to focus on finishing that which *must* be done (testing schedules).  


I'm starting to feel ready to get back to the books.  Of course, I have a long weekend of cleaning and laundry ahead of me to be fully prepared, but I feel better about everything since I made the decision to just stop.  I think the kids do too.


So yes, I am feeling better right now.

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Yes!  We also had a rough start.  We're doing 9th grade.  We started in August, and it was REALLY hard until about mid-November, when we finally found our groove.  But we still really needed a week off at Thanksgiving, and now two weeks at Christmas.  


Looking forward to starting back next week, with a couple of new things.  We switched out math programs and I got something that will hopefully be fun for writing.


We needed our breaks, though, for sure.

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Nope. We needed the time off, but now everyone in the house is down with colds. I hope we will be back to at least half-steam by Monday when we're scheduled to start back up, but our break won't have been very refreshing.


I don't feel like I've hit my groove yet. The good part of that is that I'm still very actively engaged in this year's materials instead of looking at next year already. This is the first year I haven't purchased anything for next year yet except for ds#2's math. . . 

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I'm hoping by next week...


Seriously, I'm glad things are smoothing out for you. I'm super nervous about the junior/senior years ahead. So much going on then... Wow.


We're slowing getting into the groove. I wanted a full week this week, but with room for fun and PS friends we don't get to spend enough time with. It's been good, but less productive than I wanted. I did really need done "inservice" time so I think that's what I'll do tomorrow. Hopefully some headway there and I'll be psyched for Monday.

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