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Ideas to help nurture my 12 yr old'spassion for songwriting


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My dd is a really talented songwriter.  She writes both secular and christian songs and comes up with tunes for them as well. She cannot write music, but she plays a little piano.  She's not all that interested in playing an instrument, but she loves to sing.


So here's my question.  We live in a very rural area without a lot of opportunities for homeschooled kids, no less gifted homeschooled kids.  


I'd really like to nurture this passion of hers, but how?  Has anyone ever done online voice lessons?  I have seen some recommendations out there for those. 


Any other ideas about how I can help nurture this passion and talent?



ETA: I had to edit my post because I must really be losing it!  My dd is no longer 11, she turned 12 in October.  :ohmy:  :001_rolleyes:

Edited by Terrilth
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My son is also into writing music.  He does suzuki music lessons but he is really into techno and rap music. He's been writing lyrics and then the music to go with it on garage band. There is a ton you can do with it, and you can buy an accessory piano to hook up to it.


I'm not sure if that's helpful.  I would try to get her into piano lessons and try to learn to read music.  I really think it's a valuable skill, and will take her further as a writer.



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Ask around in church. Your church choir director might know someone who is well qualified to give voice lessons.


Also music composition classes whether online or in person. My DS11 loves to make up tunes and also lyrics. He wants to learn to pen them down so that he can share with others. He took a crash course class in music theory after self learning to fill any gaps. He would be probably taking the music composition class in summer because the schedule is more convenient for us than spring schedule.

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If I remember correctly, there was a songwriting/music theory MOOC a year or so ago. You could Google it. I was trying to convince Ds thst he would like it. We have some music theory books which might be helpful. Nothing amazing and pretty traditional. The idea would be for her to begin scribing out the music she hears in her head so that others could play it. You can get blank staff paper so she can create books of her songs.

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My son loves to write music as well. The best thing we did to feed the passion was to purchase a program called Notion for IPad. You enter notes either by handwriting on the tablet (better with the new iPad pro) or by tapping on the piano keyboard. You can select note weights, tempo markings, dynamics, etc and then it will play it back for you. You can also write for many instruments at once. My son's all string orchestra will be playing one of his pieces written with Notion this spring!

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I have a budding songwriter as well, although for us it is more orchestral music, no lyrics.  This child is considering buying a midi keyboard for Christmas to plug into the computer.  Then there are all sorts of programs that will write the music you play (Scorecloud is a free one I found that looks nice enough - well, it is free to an extent).


I would love to find a MOOC for this child - great idea, EndofOrdinary.  I will have to spend some time googling.

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