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I'm so sorry. What a difficult situation.


Since you said the older relative is sick perhaps a frank discussion on appointing a durable power of attorney could be helpful? Perhaps not even mentioning the adult child, but say you (or another responsible family member) want to make sure bills get paid and you are privy to health care decisions should that become necessary.


However, if the elderly individual will not agree to something like this I don't think much can be done unless there is visible physical/emotional/mental abuse.


I would begin a log of all contact. Is the home in good order when you visit (clean, neat)? Is the elderly individual clean, neat, appear well-fed? What about the bedroom? Is it clean and neat? Is there evidence of soiled garments or linens? Are there any visible bruises on the senior? Does the elderly relative appear nervous or watch what she says when the adult child is around? Does the adult child hover around when you visit or can you have a private visit without interference? Are meds being taken/refilled and are doctor appointments being kept? These are some things to look for and document. If you see things deteriorate you can call social services and make a report.


PS please let me know if you need me to delete this.

Edited by jelbe5
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