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Eat to Live...?

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I know someone mentioned starting the Eat to Live diet a week or so ago. For anyone who is doing it....how is it going for you? What he says makes SO much sense....but YIKES, how hard is it going to be to follow?? I just want energy....I have had zip zero energy lately, and supposedly this plan will increase it 'dramatically'. I'd love to hear about your expierence. The good, bad and ugly of it! Thanks!

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I know I saw someone talk about that book! lol So I'm bumping it...just this once. I am going to start this on Monday. I wanted to get a head start on a low carb diet....and I have lost 20 lbs since July....but I can't eat like that anymore. This is what I want to do....tips? Advice? Any great recipes you were able to make up and eat along the way? Thanks!

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My dh is/has done it for quite a while now. He's lost about 45 lbs and kept it off over a year.

It's lots of beans, fruits, and veggies. I have a hard time balancing his needs with my growing teen's. It's not impossible but I have to be prepared food wise. menu planning and all that.

We spend ALOT on groceries now and I know what many many foods are that I would never have bothered with before, and I even eat some of them!


He's very dedicated. Any specific ??s. feel free to pm me.

It has been discussed on this board. Search ETL or eat to live string.

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I kinda-sorta started this at the beginning of the week. I know I'm not supposed to kinda-sorta do it, but that's how I'm handling it.


I don't have a problem w/ upping the veg/fruit intake. That part is fine & I've increased my amount of those a lot this week. I was already a vegetarian (though I still eat dairy/fish), but I was one of those 'bad' vegetarians (i.e., subsist on pizza, cheese sandwiches, etc..., lol). Over the past year, I've been cutting back the amount of dairy & bread I eat anyway, so the Eat to Live plan is a sort of progression from that, I suppose.


I feel good. It's going well enough so far. I've kept my caffeine (for now), though I've cut way back some days & had no problem doing so. Eating all these raw veggies/fruits keeps me feeling full. Also, eating raw fruits/vegs takes so much longer than eating convenience foods (longer to chew), so I think that's part of the trick (or benefit) to it.


Energy -- I've felt plenty energetic this week (past few months I've been really tired) & I've slept better too.


Not much advice or info since I've really just started it myself. But... So far, so good. Good luck!

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I'm doing ETL but I had to modify it a little. I have to use salt on my cooked vegetables. I will gag if I try to eat them without salt but I am using much less than I use to. My Blood Pressure is great (105/72) so that's what I'm doing!


Also, I eat fish. I eat 3 oz of Wild Alaskan Salmon, Sardines or Alaskan Halibut about 3-5 times a week.


One last thing that I do is I use Parmigiano Cheese sometimes on vegetable soups or any vegetables (like eggplant) that I'm cooking in tomato sauce.


I will get my blood tested again in about a week so I'll post what my numbers are and how (if) they improve.


If I have to, I will cut out all of the above but I find that sticking to the diet as written is very difficult.


Another thing, I'm getting sick of salads. I loved it at first, now -- not so much.


My energy level is up, my weight is down so those are good things for sure. :)


Good luck.


BTW, when you are ready to add some pasta to your diet, I highly recommend Dreamfields Pasta (in the black box, sold at supermarkets) it only has 5g carbs and it has as much fiber as oatmeal and it tastes just like regular pasta. I don't eat it much but sometimes I'll add a little to my soup or have some with tomato sauce.

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