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Help! I need to teach 9yo music class on Gregorian Chant


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Most of the resources I ordered through ILL did not get here. I have a video and a book on the musical notations for chant (which will not be of much help).


Any ideas, or online sources that I could use to help explain GC on their level (ok, I could use some help too), and make it interesting and fun.


I only have about 15 min of class time to do this.



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There was a BBC series by Howard Goodall called "Big Bangs of Music." The first in the series was a program about Guido of Arezzo and music notation. Try this link for an outline and a couple of activities related to singing (chant) before the invention of notation:





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The offer print books for sale through Lulu, or PDF's for free download.


The have all four years of Justine Ward's method, as it was used in Catholic grammar schools for many years.


They're my go-to place for sacred music instruction.


HTH, and feel free to ask if you have any questions. I'm not a musician, but I have a huge collection of chant that I can supply you with, if you need some.


ETA: With only 15 minutes, introduce them to some chant by playing recordings. Among the easiest are the Requiem and the Missa Assumpta. But that raises a question...are you trying to introduce just chant, or chant and polyphony? Is it in the context of Western music, or sacred music more generally?

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These are great! Thank you, I just needed something to help me with the basics. We will be covering a different composer/style of music each month and I needed something simple to work from. This helps so much.


WTM board has never failed me yet.



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