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Ordinary Parents Guide Activities


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My daughter is on lesson 36 of OPGTR and doing great. She is however, not a fan of the tiles. She much prefers making her own flash cards where I say the word slowly and she writes the letters to form the word. Is this a suitable substitute to the letter tiles? I usually pick a few of the words and slowly say them so she can pick out the individual sounds.

We do play the other games such as the beginning and ending sound game with notecards.

Any other fun activities for review? We do read the progressive phonics books, but I don't think they move as quickly as OPG does.

Edited by ReadingMama1214
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I was hoping one of the more experienced moms would post, but given that no one has... I can't imagine that her writing the letters wouldn't be a good substitute for letter tiles.  I always figured the reason for letter tiles rather than having the child write was so that a kid like mine wouldn't get bogged down in the fine motor aspect of trying to write a word.  If your kid can write that well, I'd totally let her do it.

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If that's what works for her and you then I think you should keep going with it. Sometimes we used the letter tiles just because my kids love them sometimes we just used a white board because I didn't want to get the letter tiles out. I think it's definitely more than okay to adjust things to work best for you and your child that's what great about homeschooling you don't have to stick to exactly how the guide tells you to do things you can't adjust things to fit your child while still having that as a backbone for your lessons.

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Writing the words is probably even better than tiles for learning!


You can supplement with my game for a fun change of pace:




Also, buy two sets of magnetic letters, play games with them. See how many words she can make in a minute with 7 to 10 consnants and a vowel or two, for example. (One set does not have enough vowels.).

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Writing the words is probably even better than tiles for learning!


You can supplement with my game for a fun change of pace:




Also, buy two sets of magnetic letters, play games with them. See how many words she can make in a minute with 7 to 10 consnants and a vowel or two, for example. (One set does not have enough vowels.).

I actually have plain letter tiles and not magnetic ones. I made some myself and have a good amount of vowels in the set and could make more. That sounds like a fun game and I think we may play that during the review lesson. We are almost at lesson 40 and I plan to do it over 2 days as suggested.

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Little late to the party but we never used the tiles. I made some but my son didn't care for them, and then the younger one ate them or whatever :-p That book is amazing no matter how you do it.

I agree. We're still not far in due to family in town, but she enjoys the book and she's learning. She does like playing with the tiles, but not with the lessons. She much prefers writing and I think I think the act of writing is driving it in.

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