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Exercise Thread Nov. 22-28-Thanksgiving Edition


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Reishy- two birthdays AND thanksgiving? Goodness, I am impressed you have time to think about working out!


I was sidetracked by lousy sleep last week.  I know, I know, exercise might help. But, I was just so tired that it wasn't happening. My eyes were gritty all the time.  It's a little bit better this week though. 


Yesterday I got 30 mins cardio and 40 mins floor work.  Today I only got 15 mins cardio and 40 mins floor work.  I much prefer the longer cardio, but it was what it was.  Tomorrow is 'pie day' for thanksgiving. I have quite a few to make. I am out of town for the weekend for the first Nutcracker performance.  So, that means a few days with no exercise and a crazy eating schedule.  But, I will back here next week! I will try for a workout tomorrow and friday..let's see if it happens

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Well- yesterday's run turned into a 3 mile walk with dh.  But I did experiment with using a kettle bell to simulate bjj moves.  


Today- out of town guests so I'm hoping for a walk and some Kata work, but we will see. I want to set a goal for December but don't have one yet.


Btw, Target has Fitbit HRs on sale for $119 till the 30th.

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I worked a 6A-2P physician ED shift and then went for a seven mile run before coming home. Usually I run or swim in the morning before I attack the day but I really wanted to run trails (and not in the dark at three or four AM which would have been necessary this morning).

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Yesterday's walk turned into a 7.84 mile walk with dh.  It was gorgeous outside and I was able to wear shorts.  We are hoping to do it again today.  Any sunshine I can store against winter is a good thing!


Happy Thanksgiving to those in the U.S. on this list!

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Walked about 3.5 miles with dh.  We always through in some sprints when walking.  Except for yesterday- too full.  I spent time looking at conditioning programs online... Does that count?


I need a 3 day a week short but hard routine that focuses on core strength that's maybe 4-8 weeks long.  I'd love a pre-packaged one but everything I find is an hour or so and includes cardio or HIIT.  This is to add to my MMA training, so low to no impact.  I guess I'm going to have to build my own but I was really hoping I could find something online.  Any suggestions?  

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Reishy-that looks interesting


It was a chilly drizzle this morning ( still better than the snow and 14 on Sunday) so I opted for an hour of elliptical instead. I also worked on my handstand and scorpion. That will be a work in progress for some time. I think tomorrow may just be yoga. I have a hard time mixing things up.

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