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Your Favorite MOOC's

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We're just beginning to dip into the world of MOOC's. As we finish up Dino 101, I wondered if there was a thread of good MOOC's and I couldn't find one (feel free to point me to one if there is one...). Maybe people can share the ones they especially liked? Where it was offered, if it was self-paced or not, and what ages it could be good for...


For us...


Dino 101


Totally self paced, looks like it's offered maybe once a year.

Good for any age really - even motivated elementary school kids could enjoy it, though the amount of terminology might fly over some kids' heads.

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'Constitutional Struggles in the Muslim World' is the best I've done, hands down. It gave me many headaches and I took about a year to finally get through all the videos (was watching it when Marek did his final runner) but I am so glad I persevered. It was a great insight into places I don't get any other insight into. I think it is running again atm.


Dd enjoyed Dino 101 too. :) At the moment she's enjoying one on music theory and insists we watch one every day, even though neither of us understand more than one word in 20. The things kids will do for screen time. :lol:


It seems Coursera allows access to any course you've previously enrolled in for at least a year after the course ends. This is very convenient for me!

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That's a bittersweet story, Rosie. But that does look like a really interesting one.


The instructor got severely harassed about it, so obviously anyone with a rebellious spirit should watch. :D


I appreciated that course so much I even emailed the chap. :)


It's obviously not for kids, but hey, maybe you have kids that like to watch over your shoulder even if they're hardly understanding a word. 

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I like the music theory courses offered by Berklee and University of Edinburgh (2 different courses through Coursera). There was some overlap, but they also focused on different things so it wasn't like a straight review. I had fun giggling at U of E's "crotchets" (that's crotch-ett, not crow-shay) and trying to remember "hemidemisemiquaver." Yes, apparently I am still 12 years old.

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How things work. (Physics)


My kids (early elementary) are way too young to participate fully, but they are enjoying the videos and getting quite a bit out of it.  Very dynamic presentation style!


Dd liked that one too! 


What's not to like about tossing stuff out of windows?




'What a Plant Knows' was absolutely fascinating, what I could watch of it, anyway. I found the instructor too difficult to watch, but I hope to buy his book some time because I WANT TO KNOW.

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