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fitness level of average college students?


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This was for a gap-year program that my son is doing. Going in, we knew that the program includes challenging the students academically, spiritually, and physically. Ds had more of a handle on the physical aspects than I did. Part of the challenges is being flexible and not always having things your way. The supplies list did include hiking boots for the Spring semester wrap-up backpacking trip, but we hadn't gotten those yet, as we didn't think he needed them in the Fall. 


It sounds like most of the kids (40 of them) did quite well, which surprised me. And I was surprised that the leaders were surprised that some of the kids struggled. I was just wanting to know if you all would have been surprised. 


Thanks for the update!  Sounds like an interesting program.  After thinking about this for a while, i wonder if the leaders were actually surprised by the students' fatigue, or if they expected the fatigue, and feigned surprise as part of an effort to set expectations for future challenges and be a counter-balance to the "everyone gets a trophy" culture.

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I wonder...Was the 13.5 miles done all at once, or was the total trip that long? If it was the total trip, it would be pretty ideal for a backpack trip with novices. Or, was this a hike done on Tuesday without a pack? Which is asking a bit. I would expect most to be able to do it, but I would also expect quite a few to struggle with it (which seems to be what they were wanting from the description of the class).


The whole 13.5 miles was covered on Tuesday. They did not have full backpacks. Yesterday, ds told me their "lunch" was an apple and trail mix. 

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I would not assume that any college student who struggles with it is automatically unfit, inactive, etc. Different types of exercise build stamina in different muscle groups. A baseball playrt could be very physically fit and still have trouble with a hike that length not to mention that there are very active people who do not respond to changes in altitude at all well. My dh can swim a mile, something most people who consider themselves to be decent swimmers cannot do. He cannot take even a short hike around his aunt's cabin in Grand Lake (Pike's Peak area). He gets terrible altitude sickness, migraines, vomitting. We have to be careful when picking ski areas due to this.


Now that said, no matter how fit, without the right hiking footwear, socks, etc. a hike of that length should be avoided by even the best.

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