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I just found a software to introduce to my child and am wondering what do you think about it. My dd is only 3 and the software is educative. I have to install it and take a closer look first, but the question really is that if this too early for that. She sown interest in the computer, but again which child doesn't. I was thinking that maybe 15 minutes twice a week, but I have no idea if this is too much/too little or just right. Any thoughts/advices?


Thanks. Be well



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My dds have been using the computer since they were toddlers. Video games, too.


If I were to allow any of the kids, they'd spend all day every day in front of a screen, but they're well aware of our limits.


I wouldn't go so far as saying that the games have *taught* them much, but they've definitely contributed to their interest in learning to read and do basic math. In fact, I think Webkinz was my 5 year old's reason for taking reading seriously. She didn't like having to ask for help every 5 minutes.


I love that they've all learned to use the Paint program. It's cut down on a lot of paper waste around here!

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Children will need to be fluent in computers and there are plenty of games recommended for that age. My daughter is 4.5 now and she watched her brother play games when she was three and I assisted her. Her brother also "helped" her play games on it too. Learning how to "point and click" for example. She currently has hooked on phonics lessons on the computer where I do not have to assist her in doing them. She also does her starfall.com lessons. I think a computer foundation needs to be learned at a early age. I also think that 15 minutes a day is plenty of time on the computer. Keep in mind though, my house will only have 30 minutes to an hour of screen time every day. I think a computer is much more engaging than an television.

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Thank you everyone, I feel a lot better. DD does not have interest in tv at all. I turn the tv o in the morning for sesame street, she watches some and then she just play around while the tv on. Once it is over we turn it off and go on with reading, playing, or anything else she would prefer to do. I shall see how she will enjoy the computer.


Thanks again. Be well



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