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I'd love your input to combine Beast Academy and Singapore


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I know there are so many threads on these two, but I have a specific question.  My 9 year old is using Singapore 4A (Stds. edition).  He is advanced in math, and this is really too easy for him.  We are just using the HIG, TB, and WB.  I started him on Beast Academy 3A, and he loves it.  It definitely makes him think, but I'm thinking the next section on skip counting is going to be easy for him.  I've read all the threads that you should begin at 3A.  I'm considering using both.  I'd love to hear about others that have been in my predicament.  I'm thinking about adding the IP for Singapore and dropping the WB and continuing with Beast Academy 3A, 3B, etc.  I'd also like to hear about schedules using both.  If I were brave enough, I'd just drop Singapore and go with Beast Academy.  Any experiences with that scenario?  I'm especially hesitant because he would be starting with Beast Academy on the 3rd grade level, and Singapore 4A is definitely very easy for him.


I would love your thoughts....

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That Skip Counting chapter is a MONSTER!


Ok, it isn't THAT bad.  But it probably shouldn't be called Skip Counting.  More like "An Introduction to Factoring and Multiples"


I had a similar reaction when I first looked at the Table of Contents for Grade 3.  Skip Counting?  In an accelerated THIRD GRADE curriculum?  Then we got to that chapter and wow.  That is one of the best chapters that demonstrates Beast Academy's ability to take a topic and stretch a student within that topic.  


My 8 yr old is in Singapore 4A (he will be 9 in December) and is a math sponge...picks it up readily, as long as he is paying attention and doesn't get bored.  So far, he has yet to encounter grade level math that has been a challenge, aside from Beast Academy.


We have used Beast as a summer bridge.  We have also used it to take a break from Singapore.  We have used it concurrently with a full Singapore schedule (I don't recommend this...it was burning him out).  


Currently, he is reading a few pages from the Beast 4 books that correspond with what he is learning in Singapore 4.  But I am saving the Beast 4 workbook for awhile.  I will probably start adding it in next semester, while removing some of the Singapore spiral review that I have him do.  


Using Beast alone is definitely an option for some kids, but for my son, there is not enough spiral review to it.  It tends to take a topic, go over the basics pretty quickly and then dive into deeper stuff...and for some kids, that can be a problem if they need to spend more time sitting on the basics of the topic prior to diving in deeper.  


I definitely think dropping the Singapore WB, using Beast with the Singapore IP is doable.  Only thing I personally would add in is Singapore's Process Skills and some CWP, as I want my son to really get that bar model approach down solid.  Other than that...yeah, I think that would work well.  

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First off-the skip counting lesson looks deceptively easy! It is worth it to do it, and I can guarantee there will be challenging portions of it:)

Many people, including us, run BA a year behind their math spine. Ours is also Singapore.

I feel like the point of BA is not just to teach them how to do the math, but stretch them with ways to think about math. The long-term goal is in mind, not what grade level it is. I understand not wanting to fork over money for something he is 'past.' Or not wanting to waste time in something that is redundant! But BA is so different that it will only augment his understanding and challenge him in new ways:)


As far as schedules, we do BA 3 days per week and Singapore about 6 days per week. BA takes her a lot longer each day, but she enjoys it more. However, I have a math-loving kiddo who would do math a lot more Than I am willing to! We also have a day where we add in things like IP, CWP, and Zaccharo math.

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We haven't started Beast 3A yet, but we will in the next few weeks. My son is wrapping up Singapore 3B. When he is ready for 4A, he will also start Beast 3A. He has the math ability for the higher level of Singapore, but the trickier questions of Beast will be a challenge and I believe he'll do better to work a full "year" behind in Beast (he's 7 and his attention span and ability to sit still are 7 too :-)).


Also, I stopped using the workbook after Singapore 2A and switched to just the IP. It's definitely a better fit for him, although I have to be a bit more involved to keep him in task with the IP. That may work well for you too.

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My DD7 worked concurrently through Singapore 3 and Beast 3 last year. We used Singapore Standards with the regular workbook, not the IP, mainly because I had already purchased the regular workbook before I found out about the IP and didn't want to spend more money. We also did Singapore CWP 3 concurrently.  I did not follow a set schedule. There were many parts of Singapore that were quite easy for my DD, so we went quickly through those sections. I still made her do them because I was afraid of "gaps" if we skipped. We barely touched the Singapore textbook. I would teach her the concept using the Home Instructor Guide as my guide, then she would do the workbook practice problems.  I think if you try to do all the etxtbook, all the workbook, all the CWP, and all the mental math (i.e. the full Singapore), you will find it very challenging to fit in another curriculum on top of it.  If you "accelerate" Singapore, you can fit in Beast. Beast can't really be accelerated.


 Whenever she started to get bored with Singapore we would switch to Beast. We did skip part of Beast 3B or 3C (I can't remember which) that I felt was adequately covered by Singapore, but I might have her go back and do it for fun.


This year I had planned to so the same - Singapore 4 and Beast 4 concurrently, however it's a lot for me to juggle as my work has ramped up for me a bit. So, we are just doing Beast 4 now and I think it's plenty of math.  I'm becoming less fearful of "gaps" as I think math-inclined children will be able to fill in the gaps (with guidance) as they arise.


Neither Beast nor Singapore have built in review (neither are spiral) and I am considering getting something like Daily Math for review to keep prior concepts fresh, but I just haven't gotten around to figuring that out. 

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