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A GIANT fluffy hug of appreciation to those who are here...


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answering AND asking questions!! It has been SO helpful. I do a daily read-through and so often find an answer to questions I didn't even know we had yet! This forum has been a lifesaver these past few months as dd and I navigate this process (both of us have a tendency to make things harder than they need to be so we need all the clarification we can get!!). :)


Seriously, though, the non-snarky replies and helpful information... having a safe, comfortable place to ASK my (stupid) questions... it's made this so much easier.


So - thank you. :hurray:



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I want to second this in a big way!!  This has been an incredibly stressful season, and this board has helped so much.  We have the Common App done for one school and are now moving on to supplements for others on the Common App and those that use their own applications.  A daily read of all of the posts here, plus searching the archives, plus lovely helpful PMs have made (and continue to make) all the difference in the world.

:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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Yes, grateful thanks to all on this board.  I have been in survival mode for the past 8 months due an autoimmune flare - those who have been on these boards a long time may recall my nasty skin condition that cycles through every few years.  I am feverishly trying to finish up college apps and scouring the boards for answers.  The next two weeks are going to kill me as I tackle the Common App.  I told ds he will have to pay for a cruise for me once he graduates. :laugh:


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