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Supplementing Math U See?


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I am wanting to Supplement MUS just to make sure we cover everything. I already have horizons and my dc have done a few lessons and love it. They love math and all love MUS and Horizons. Currently horizons is closely following the lessons we are doing in MUS...with a few more concepts added. Whatever I use to supplement I plan on doing MUS Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday...and supplement the other one on Wednesday.


My question is....would Horizons or Singapore be a better supplement to MUS?

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your goals for supplementing MUS?


If you might send your child to public/private school eventually it might be better to supplement with horizons because the scope and sequence will be closer.


If you want to increase word problems you might want to use Singapore.


Figure out what you are trying to accomplish and that might help narrow down your decision.

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We're supplementing MUS with Horizons. I don't plan on putting my kids in school but I prefer having a scope and sequence similar to the school system for testing purposes.


This is the same as us. We are not planning on ever sending out dc back to public school...but like you I want the piece of mind that they are covering everything similar to what other children are learning. *If* it ever becomes too much we will back down...but for now my dc LOVE math and beg for it...it's there favorite part of the day:001_huh:...they must take after their dad:tongue_smilie:.

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Another MUS/Singapore combo here. And testing has never been a problem -- even my math-weak student scores very high on standardized testing because the combo of MUS/Singapore really has helped him learn how to *think* mathematically and solve problems even if he hasn't seen a particular math topic before. BEST of luck, whatever you go with! Warmly, Lori D.

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