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Saxon Algebra 1/2 Time Daily

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I would spend about ten minutes going over the lesson with DD, sometimes more. It really depended on the lesson. The incremental development in Saxon means that new things are often very small steps, so they were often very intuitive to her. I would have her do as many of the problems in the lesson as she needed to understand and show me that she understood the concept. Sometimes that was one, and sometimes it was several. As for the practice sets, we've done different things. We've done odds only at times, unless she gets more than two wrong, and then she has to do all thirty. We've done two lessons over three days, doing 1-20 one day, 21-30 and 1-10 of the next lesson the next day, and 11-30 the following day. We've also done 25 problems each day, but which five get skipped rotated, so that in one lesson, she'd skip 26-30, the next lesson she'd skip 1-5, the next 6-10, and so on. In DD's case, she almost never gets things wrong because she doesn't know the most; it's almost always a careless error. But ymmv. I don't think you need to do all thirty problems every day if your child understands the concepts.


It probably took her 30-45 minutes to do the practice problems, so total of about 40-60 minutes a day for math.

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I do the lesson w/ DD daily- takes 10-20 minutes depending on what the lesson is about.  SHe does the problem set, all problems from the last 20 lessons (under each problem number in the set on 3rd edition).  Usually around 20-ish problems per day, takes her about 30 minutes.  We are currently to around lesson 40 of Pre-Al

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How long is it taking to get through a lesson? Do you do all the practice problems and all the problems in the practice set? DD is taking forever with it, but also I think she is overwhelmed by seeing all the problems on the page. I'm new to Saxon, so was wondering...


My two oldest kids took forever at at math lessons. One used Saxon for several months using 87 with Pre-Algebra. It took her hours even to complete. We went to half the lessons and it still took a long time. I later found out she has processing problems, and even though she's good at math, it took her a really long time. My second used CLE which is similar to Saxon, but in a workbook form with more white space. She was always slow but hit a wall when she moved to Saxon algebra one because of the formatting of the pages and an undiagnosed visual problem. Late in that year of using Saxon, she had vision therapy and with that, her speed really improved and she didn't make errors like she had before.


For my oldest, I don't think I could have made Saxon better. It was the visual problem but also the changing gears with every problem. She really did better with mastery curriculum, and equally well whether it was rigorous or basic. Math U See was great for her with the abundant white space. She could also handle Teaching Textbooks because of the formatting. Forester's algebra one was also very successful for her.


If you want to stay with Saxon and the adapations workbook existed for algebra 1/2, I'd recommend that because it would spread the problems out and provide lots of white space to bypass the visual overload of the textbook practice sets. But I did a quick search and none came up. The other option is to look at Saxon Course two or three. They are a newer Saxon pre-algebra for the school market and they have the adaptations workbook that she can work out problems in, alongside of the textbook. You can get cheap used copies on Amazon.

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You can enroll in an At-Your-Own-Pace class with the Virtual Homeschool Group. They offer many levels of Saxon including Alg 1/2. The class is free and the homework/tests are auto-graded by the computer. Start dates are completely flexible. The student should have a copy of the book but it can be a used copy. They do not assign all the homework, usually only 18-20 out of 30 problems. There is a recorded short lecture on the topics that the student should watch before attempting the homework. The student must get at least 80% on a homework before they are allowed to move to the next topic. They have a chance to redo missed problems (with a similar problem) up to 3 times in order to receive full credit. They also have drop in office hours for questions. I like the homework format - you can make the font large so you're really only looking at one problem at a time -- much easier than looking at a page full of problems in the book.

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