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YOUR OPINIONS PLEASE MEP Maths end of year test......


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My 9 year old, were he in school, would have just started year 5. He is currently doing year 4 MEP. He is "behind" due to outside issues, not his ability. I have just given him the year 4 end of year test to do, and he has passed it 100%, in about 20 minutes.


My question is: would you get him to stat year 5 MEP, or continue with year 4? He is about half way through year 4.



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If you are referring to the IMPA test, it isn’t all that useful for determining placement. Many of the topics introduced in 4B are not reflected in the test.


Year 4 does contain a lot of review and consolidation. Look through the lesson plans.  You may be able to condense some weeks into 2 or 3 days by focusing on the new material and doing just a few of the review problems.  Finish the year through at least week 32.  The last few weeks of 4 and the first few weeks of 5 are review.  You should be able to condense there. 



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MEP has end of year tests? We've used MEP but I don't see those linked? If it's a different test, I wouldn't assume that it reflects what MEP covers.


If you think he's really ready, in addition to skipping the review sections, one way to condense might be to use the Friday review pages (the ones divisible by five) as a super condensed way to cover what's left. And if he struggled on any of those, you could then move back and cover the lessons for the previous four pages.

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I looked at the test and the scheme of work from when my eldest took it [feel like I have everything saved on this computer  :lol: ] and I think if you and your 9 year old are happy to move forward that it would likely be fine - the first part of Year 5 has a lot of review to catch you if there is an issue - though doing the review pages to the end to  be sure to make sure would probably be a solid plan to be confident in it. With a 100% (being near 100% is recommended if using it as placement due to the tests not having everything on it and many finding levels up difficult without that) I would be happy to at least accelerate.



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I feel like the review days cover the weeks' subjects, but they never strike me as being the more challenging problems. But they are representative, so great.


Additionally, I would recommend that you at least skim through the in-class lessons. I've gotten zinged by having new vocabulary or concepts introduced in the lessons, well before they are officially taught. It's a good idea for classroom teachers going methodically through the curriculum, but for homeschoolers looking to accelerate or compress it can be a pain to go back and try to find those little nuggets of foundation information. Do, there is my little lesson-learned for the day!


MEP has end of year tests? We've used MEP but I don't see those linked? If it's a different test, I wouldn't assume that it reflects what MEP covers.


If you think he's really ready, in addition to skipping the review sections, one way to condense might be to use the Friday review pages (the ones divisible by five) as a super condensed way to cover what's left. And if he struggled on any of those, you could then move back and cover the lessons for the previous four pages.

Farrar, the end-of-year tests are just meh. Each year the test is the same with a few additional questions added at the end. My son picked that up immediately. On top of that, the program is so integrated that I find it difficult to tease it follow-up material to review or additionally reinforce a particular topic.


I'm a fan of MEP despite how negative this post may sound!

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I feel like the review days cover the weeks' subjects, but they never strike me as being the more challenging problems. But they are representative, so great.


Additionally, I would recommend that you at least skim through the in-class lessons. I've gotten zinged by having new vocabulary or concepts introduced in the lessons, well before they are officially taught. It's a good idea for classroom teachers going methodically through the curriculum, but for homeschoolers looking to accelerate or compress it can be a pain to go back and try to find those little nuggets of foundation information. Do, there is my little lesson-learned for the day!



Farrar, the end-of-year tests are just meh. Each year the test is the same with a few additional questions added at the end. My son picked that up immediately. On top of that, the program is so integrated that I find it difficult to tease it follow-up material to review or additionally reinforce a particular topic.


I'm a fan of MEP despite how negative this post may sound!


Okay, what am I missing? Where are these end of year tests and how is it I don't see them when I look at the MEP page? Are they just at the end of the b practice books or lesson plans?


I totally agree that the review pages are on the easier side. But I think they're thorough. If a kid can get them without having done the lessons and previous pages, they're probably a reasonable test of whether or not you should move on. When I'm trying to condense a little, sometimes we skip the review pages. So, the opposite of what I suggested. But ds mostly needs to do the whole thing. Just every once in awhile, we hit a section where he's clearly already mastered it.

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The tests are here - http://www.cimt.plymouth.ac.uk/projects/ipma/

Each test contains most of the problems from previous tests plus a few new ones tacked on the end.  I find them useful as practice for timed tests, but not useful for determining mastery of the year's work.


I agree with Susan.  You miss a lot if you just do the day 5 review sheets.  4B includes coverage of different bases and combinatorics.  Almost all of this was in the lesson plans.  The worksheets were review problems covering topics from earlier weeks.  The coverage of bases in the first weeks of year 5 was minimal.  Ds was disappointed since this was a topic he enjoyed.  Combinatorics, which he does not particularly like, does reappear.

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Um, those are the end of year tests? That's even a huge step easier than the review pages.


I guess I don't assume that doing more is good for all kids. If the OP's ds was working below level and is bored, then you've got to find some way to accelerate it and doing everything can't be the right answer. Looking over the lessons to see what topics need some time is probably a good idea though.

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