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Anyone successfully done HighSchool sports in SF-bay area?


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DS13 is in 8th grade and swims for a 'club team'.  He'd really like to swim in HighSchool for a school (in addition to the club team, which is what all swimmers do).  Looking at http://www.hsc.org/homeschoolinghelp/homeschooling-teens.html(the sports section) is not very encouraging.  Basically, CIF has set up the rooms to schools take a huge risk in a liberal interpretation of the guidlines and it sounds like he'll have to join an approved independent study program.


  We're currently registered w/ the state of CA as a private school, which means we have no oversight to deal with.  I'd like to keep things as close to that as possible.


  The program listed in the article (DSIS) sounds great but Davis is pretty far away.  Is anyone aware of a minimally-invasive, approved independent study program, in the south SanFrancisco Bay Area that would let him qualify to swim for the local public school?  Anyone in the area successfully done this? 





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All of the programs that I know would let him be on a public school team would require him to be a public school student. That would mean a-g requirements and any other hoops that the school requires. If you want to just be on a school swim team then I would suggest looking at local private schools. They can set their own rules and may not be as onerous.

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I've heard of home schoolers in the south bay using the PSP program at King's Academy in Mountain View in order to allow them to play sports at King's Academy.  It's a private, Christian school, so not your ideal solution of a public school.


I have also heard of ONE home schooled girl whose mother approached the local public school's volleyball coach directly and was able to get her daughter onto the girls' volleyball team at a public middle school in the south bay. However, there may have been more to the story (friend of the coach maybe?) because I know a lot more home schoolers who want to play public school sports but haven't been able to find a way in.


Good luck!  Please post if you find a way into public high school sports, or PM me. I have friends who'd love to be able to do this.


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