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Less expensive Lego Mindstorm for 8yo?

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My boys, particularly the 8 year old, have been really interested in robots lately. They have been asking for Lego Mindstorm so I figured I'd add that to their Christmas lists. Then I looked them up. Wow, expensive for us! I'll consider those in the future of this hobby/interest takes off but for now is there something I should be looking into that is more affordable? I'd go up to $100 for a Christmas presen if it was worth that but cheaper is better. Unfortunately the one local robotics group meets at a time we can't currently attend so I'm going this alone. My oldest is an excellent reader if that matters. He's good at math and science but isn't gifted so things geared towards his chronological age are great (if that makes sense!).

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I would, even without budget constraints, wait on a Mindstorm. They're actually pretty complex. My DS is taking a class through Landry Academy, and even at almost 13 and in a robotics team (though not Lego) it's challenging him. The system is surprisingly complex and there is a ton to learn to use it well. So please don't worry about the Lego robot for awhile.


My kids have enjoyed the MAKE kits from Radio Shack for electronics. I'd start with basic soldering and the piano kit, then the smaller kits.

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