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How many of you know of families IRL who have 8+ children?

Do you personally know any families IRL with 8+ kids  

  1. 1. Do you personally know any families IRL with 8+ kids

    • no, we don't personally know any families IRL with 8 kids or more
    • yes, we personally know at least one family with 8 kids
    • yes, we personally know at least one family with 9 kids
    • yes, we personally know at least one family with 10 kids
    • yes, we personally know at least one family with 11 kids
    • yes, we personally know at least one family with 12+ kids
    • obligatory other: please explain

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I voted "other". We don't know any familiies with a lot of kids now, but I knew a few in public school growing up. They were nice families with about 9 -12 kids. My mom also grew up in a neighborhood with many big families. She comes from a family of 6 kids.


My grandparents came from large families with lots of siblings or half-siblings, the smallest number of children being 6, though some also died . So, that's 3 out of 4 grandparents with more than 8 kids in a family.


But today, in my area, 4 kids make a really large group. We do know a dr. with 6 kids. Most people we know seem to have 2 kids.

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Congratulation on baby 8! My dh comes from a family of 14. Other than that, off the top of my head, I know another family of 14, one with 9, one with 8 and quite a few in between 5 and 7. I guess it depends on where you're hanging out as to whether you feel an odd ball or not. In my homeschool group, larger families are the norm: 5 and up. In my neighborhood and in our family, we have the largest family at 5. Just depends.



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I grew up going to school with the Frericks family and the Mitchell family. Mrs Frericks and Mrs Mitchell were pregnant with their 12th children at the same time. Mrs Frericks stopped at 12. Mrs Mitchell went on to have 17. My friend Florence is their 13th, and I was in Paul's class, he was #14.


My midwife has 10, my former pastor has 8, and I have several friends with 10, and even more friends with 6-8.

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