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any Sept ACT takers?

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My 12th grade ds took the ACT this morning for the last time. Yay!! He hit his score goal last Feb so this was one last shot to see if he could do any better. He prepared a little but not very much.


He said he felt good about it all except the math which he thought was very hard. He always thinks the math is hard. The math is the only reason he was even taking it again.


Anyone else's kids have any thoughts?

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Ds the senior took it today. He felt okay about it. This kid is hard to read. He hit what he needed for his short list of schools back in June, he's just hoping to bump it a little for more merit aid. I do think most of his short list schools are affordable for us if his score doesn't go up. But, just in case, he's going to take the SAT too and see if his score is better on that one.


Now to fill out those college apps while we wait.

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Mine took it.  His goal was to bring math up, which he is certain he did, but his plan was that they will superscore (Which they will) and he didn't move fast enough on the other 3 and so his score will likely go down on those (had 36/35 on two of them so hard to keep that there anyway).  Even if the math is quite a bit higher, I think that a lower overall will look bad and he shouldn't send the scores in until he is sure.    What do you think?  I am talking about for reasons of competitive scholarships.  I know it won't matter for his schools that superscore for set merit scores scholarships or for admission. 



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Ds the senior took it today. He felt okay about it. This kid is hard to read.


DD=same way. She felt "okay"... I pressed for more information and got not much. She just shrugged and said it felt "okay."


She did the writing portion for the first time and said that she's pretty sure it went abysmally. lol Which... we sort of expected. Thinking and writing off the top of her head are ENORMOUS weak spots for her. She needs time to brew an idea and let it settle. But, I don't much care what the writing score is if the MC part of it is higher than last time. None of the schools she's looking at seem to have a score "requirement" for the writing - just a requirement that is was taken. So- we'll see.


ARGH. Now we wait.

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My dd, a junior, also took it this morning. We've been calling it a "practice run." We are probably going to go with a different science plan for next sememster because of her experience.


On College Confidential, many kids were saying the science was different from past tests. DD said there were a few "knowledge-based" science questions, whereas in the past, they've all been data-based questions from the information presented in the test itself. So, wondering if this is a direction ACT is going, or if it was just for this particular test,

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Seems that, according to college confidential posters, it was the hardest math ACT on the history of the world. Though that site can have a few melodramatic posters :)


I really don't think it matters much for ds. I don't think a point or two will have much impact on admissions or merit and he is definitely done taking it no matter what. But still I am thinking about it and wanting to know haw he did. I am not sure why!

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