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Anyone want to critique our 9th grade plan!

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I'm a little nervous about teaching high school for some reason!


A little background just so you understand some of my choices. My dd is 14 and has overcome most of her learning disabilities (dyslexia and dysgraphia) She still struggles with handwriting, but her reading is finally up to par. So we are playing catch up in some areas. She has not done much formal writing and has not done pre-algebra.


English: Christian novels study guide to Hobbit and Lord of the Rings series, Writer's Inc She finished Easy Grammar Plus last year so I will be concentrating on writing this year.


History: Notgrass Exploring World History I plan to break it up doing book 1 and most of the Literature that goes with it this year and 2nd book next year. So that she can concentrate most of her time to writing and math.


Math: Math u see finish zeta and pre-algebra I also have SOS pre-algebra that we might try but I'm hesitant because MUS is workingworking, she's finally getting it.


Science: Apologia Physical Science through virtual homeschool. I was going to do Earth Science but she requested this and it is offered at our local high schools so I'm going for it :)


Foriegn Language: Rosetta Stone Spanish


She will also be taking part in a homeschool choir and Physical Education at our local college.


She has a passion for baking so I will be looking into some cake decorating classes and will assign her cookies to bake at least once a month as well.


I feel like I am missing something but can't figure out what. Also, I'm trying not to overwhelm her. KWIM Thanks in advance.

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The only thing I'll comment on is the math. If MUS is working for her, stay with it through pre-algebra. Their pre-algebra is not at all a typical program, but rather is a year of filling gaps that their elementary series has left. If she has done MUS for awhile, don't leave it until after that. 


I'm trying to decide if I should say this or not, but I'll go ahead. Gently: your schedule for her looks like a nice solid 8th grade year. Everything is very, very light for high school. She las LDs and so does my oldest and I get that. I don't know what her goals are. If she is planning to go to college, you might consider discussing calling this 8th grade so she is ready for high school level work when she starts high school. If she is not planning on college or is planning on CC, then this isn't an issue. Your plan is balanced, contains everything is should and if it meets her where she is, it is a good plan.

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Thanks Debbie, I know what you mean about looking like a good 8th grade plan. I would like to call this a gap year, but I'm afraid it would kill her self esteem. She plans on attending local cc then hopefully transferring somewhere for culinary arts degree. She's dreaming about College of Ozarks, but too early for me to get excited about it.


I will definitely stick with MUS then. Thanks again :)

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You might add in Vocab if it's not included in the English guides.


And I have to say that I don't think it's too light of a schedule myself, but then I'm not shooting for Ivy Leagues, so YMMV.  I do what I want, what is best for my kid, and am secure in the knowledge that she already has learned more than I ever did in school.


So you have English 1, Math: PreAlgebra,  World History: Ancient through Middle Ages, Physical Science (by the way, I do not consider Apologia Physical Science "lite"), Foreign Language: Spanish 1, and P.E.  Sounds like a normal freshman year for millions of kids.



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I don't know anything about Apologia Phys. Sci. but in most H.S. science there is some element of Algebra. I'd try to make sure you cover variables and formulas or figure a way to leave out the Math. 


Apologia Physical Science does not require Algebra. That is why I generally don't consider it a high school level program. It covers earth science and some physics. It is a good choice for meeting OPs dd where she is. :)

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Thank you everyone for all your input! I'm feeling quite a bit better about this year. I know she is "behind" whatever that's supposed to mean. I am a firm believer that everyone learns at different ways and rates and that learning doesn't stop after formal education! :)


Also the literature study will include vocab and Apologia Physical Science is considered 8th or lite 9th and doesn't have much algebra in it from what I have read. She will probably have Biology, Chemistry and maybe Physics later with the labs in later years.

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FWIW, I took Earth Science in 9th and it had no Algebra.  :)


Your line up looks good, OP.  You are meeting her where she is at.  I agree with the math recommendation.  Stay with MUS through Pre-Algebra.  Do you school through summer?  If not, you might consider doing at least 6 weeks of school in the summer, at least with math.


Is your state one where you have to report yearly?  

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We are going to try schooling a little in the summer, just not sure how it will work. She is required to do 75 hours of community service to graduate and she has to pay for her own drivers education ($400) so she wants to work over summer too.


We do have to report yearly but to a homeschool umbrella not the state which I usually don't do until late July or August. So we can squeeze it into her transcript I think.

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A few more thoughts on MUS for you:

MUS Pre-Algebra was a short and fast course here. I think ds did it in just over a semester (and he was a sloow math student). It should be very doable to finish Zeta and all of Pre-Algebra. Algebra took a lot longer, but Geometry is super short again. You might plan to start Algebra early or be prepared to not freak out if it takes over a year and use Geometry as a catch up text. Even doing pre-Algebra this year, you have 3 years for Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra 2, which is all many colleges require and should put her ready for College Algebra at the CC when she gets there. 


The difficulty I see for her is science. Physical this year has no math requirement and neither does Biology the next year. However, MUS Algebra did not prepare my ds well for Apologia Chem. He made it through with a lot of extra work on the math, but focusing on the math took away from the science learning. I'm pretty sure Apologia Physics lists Algebra 2 as a pre-requisite. You might consider a science sequence that goes: Physical Science, Biology, Conceptual Physics, Chemistry. There is also the choice of breaking away from the standard sciences and adding in Environmental Science or another less math based science for her junior or senior year. 


Just some rambling thoughts. They have nothing to do with this year. :)

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I think your 9th grade plan is sound. Since your daughter isn't indicating any passion towards a STEM career, I wouldn't worry about how much math there is in her science curriculum.  I  actually find it rather ironic how much of our current educational focus is on STEM.  If you do the math, even though the STEM careers show the highest percentage of growth, since they account for a smaller percentage of total jobs, most new jobs created in the foreseeable future will still be non-STEM related jobs!


If she is learning from MUS then I would stick with it. Although Algebra II is one of those basic jump-through-the-hoop college requirements, you have 4 years to get there. Sound learning is better than fast learning. I have a STEM career and rarely if ever use concepts learned pas Algebra I and geometry.


Given her interests, I'm wondering if a food sciences course would be a good choice for fulfilling one of her high school science courses. Another idea you might find interesting, especially if your state has a health education requirement, would be a course that focuses on nutrition. I think cake decorating or any other culinary arts courses/seminars are a great idea whether they be actual courses or extra-curricular activities.



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I agree with most of the comments. Roseta stone was such an epic fail here...that is the thing I wonder about. Maybe you have already tried it though? Could you do a two year conversational course with tutors via skype so the dyslexia wouldn't be involved? My DS learned absolutely nothing..and i regret not doing a conversational class. Of course it can be a get it done thing. Wish I had better suggestions, I'm struggling to find a foreign language fit as well.


Would Spectrum Chemistry be a better fit in a few years? My husband has a phd in Chem and really prefers that to Apologia. Also would some sort of conceptual physics fit after Alg? Just random thiughts.

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