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Right Start Math Question

Guest homeschool dad

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Guest homeschool dad

I have RS Level B that I used with my older daughter (now using Level C). My younger daughter will be 5yo soon and is eager to start math now. Is Level A worth getting? In looking at the sample pages on their website, it seems awefully similar to B. Would I be better off just making her wait a bit and use B?

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If you've been through it once, as I infer from your post, you're probably fine with just using B.


We bought both A & B and we're glad we did, as B moves a bit faster than our oldest son is ready for. Thus, A is paced correctly for his needs and for the needs of my wife in easily structuring lessons.


Since y'all have been through it, you may be better suited to vary the pace as necessary.


What you might want to do, before deciding, is look at the Scope & Sequence that RS provides for A and see how they pace it. IIRC, it's available for free on their website.



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I have RS Level B that I used with my older daughter (now using Level C). My younger daughter will be 5yo soon and is eager to start math now. Is Level A worth getting? In looking at the sample pages on their website, it seems awefully similar to B. Would I be better off just making her wait a bit and use B?


I have A, and have started it, and quit, with three of my kids.


Starting with B works much better for us. With young kids, there are places in B where I generally have to stop and wait for their cognitive development to catch up - we do Singapore workbooks during that time.

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RS B is going to get pretty heavy by lesson 40. At that point an advanced dc might continue, but others will stall out. Basically RS B covers the entirety of A in those early lessons. So just look at the toc for each level and see what you think. I happen to think A is very good, but you have to hit it at the age that fits your dc. For an advanced dc, it would be better at 3 or 4.

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I like to keep the Kindergarten year very low pressure. The A book has only 77 lessons so I don't feel rushed going through it. My oldest started right into B but that wasn't until first grade. By level E, things can get pretty challenging, so I want them to be mature enough for it. I have only boys and they seem to need more time both physically (can't sit still long) and mentally. I also like that B reinforces what they learned the year before and it's easy enough to fly through the lessons they already know.

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I have RS Level B that I used with my older daughter (now using Level C). My younger daughter will be 5yo soon and is eager to start math now. Is Level A worth getting? In looking at the sample pages on their website, it seems awefully similar to B. Would I be better off just making her wait a bit and use B?


Skip A and go straight to B. We have both, go with B.

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We tried A, and dd was bored after a few lessons. We shelved the idea of doing regular math, waited a few months, and she was just fine with starting in B.


I sincerely doubt that she's missed anything in life by not slogging through all of those lessons in A years ago. She's finishing up C, doing fine in math, and we saved ourselves a lot of stress by not insisting we do Kindy math.

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