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7th Grade Science


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Can I hear some good recommendations for 7th grade science?  I am not interested in Abeka, BJU, Apologia, DIVE, etc.  My daughter loves science, and is interested in a career in a science field.  

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Mine is studying chemistry this year by his own request. We're mashing up the Guesthollow chemistry schedule (dropped the elementary looking titles, subbed in more mature options), and a lab set from Home Science Tools. He's also a STEM kid who currently wants to be an aeronautical engineer.


7th-8th grade is a great time to let them chase random interests before highschool transcripts kick in. What does she want to learn more about? That may help you narrow it.


Are you trying to get away from textbooks in general? Or just the big box Christian ones? 


I don't mind textbooks, and I will consider either secular or christian curriculums.  My daughter likes BJU, but I am not sure I want tot pay for the online DLO this year.  Apologia is fine, but it can be a little dry.  I was just hoping maybe there was some other wonderful resource out there that I had not heard of.

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My 7th grader will be doing The Big History Project.


I agree with SilverMoon about rabbit trails.  I don't have much planned but Big History, lots of books and documentaries.  I am going to follow her lead.


DD is a also a STEM girl.  She loves mechanical engineering and computer programming.   She will be doing both of these, in addition to Big History.


In what field is your daughter interested?

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It's a great time for building breadth of knowledge about science, exploring interests, and exploring some of the out of the box sciences.  We did Big History in 7th grade, and did correlated science topics, and this year in 8th we're doing science literacy/Big Science using the Joy of Science TC course as a spine.  Ellen McHenry materials are good for this age, as are some of the less traditional texty type books, like Exploring the Way Life Works.  But I'd definitely be open to following rabbit trails & interests during this time.

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Can't say how it actually works out yet, but my science-dedicated son (who wants to be a chemist) is going to be doing Jason Learning modules this year. You can find it here https://www.jason.org.  Partners of the program include NOAA, National Geographic, NASA, The Smithsonian, Jet Propulsion Lab, and other major science orgs and it's directly designed to be a STEM curriculum.  It includes some really interesting online labs and explorations, along with a big opportunity for the online interactions they do with scientists throughout the year.  You can register for a short free trial and go through a few of the modules- my son was pretty excited about doing it.  I'll have more information in a few months once he's done it!  He's already gone through basic chemistry, physics, and biology, so I was looking for something interesting that wouldn't require high-school level math (he's advanced but hasn't done algebra 2 or calculus yet...)

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I remember liking the looks of Jason a few years ago.  Let us know how it works for you, tjdan!


Rose has previously mentioned Dr. Art's Guide to Science.  I will be using this alongside of Big History.






I have two physics kids.  What inspired them was the freedom to explore what interested them.  Also, I exposed them to inspiring scientists via lectures and documentaries.  This put a human side to the application side.  When a kid sees and hears an expert talk passionately about his subject, the enthusiasm is contagious.



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