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TN Promise - who is going through it this year?

The Girls' Mom

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Anyone else have a freshman going to school on the TN Promise scholarship? We are in the first batch of guinea pigs, and it has been interesting!


The lack of communication (or over communication in some cases) has been a little frustrating. Things like the fact that funds aren't applied until AFTER the confirmation deadline...and the only acknowledgement we've had that they won't drop her classes for not paying by then was briefly mentioned at orientation. Or the constant emails reminding her to enter volunteer hours, after we've already logged them...lol.


Anyway, we have been prepared for glitches since this is the first go round.

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Yes!  Pretty much the same experience here.  DD has been FED  UP with the continual emails reminding her to do what she has already done.


We also received the assurance at orientation that Tennessee Promise students wouldn't have their classes dropped while waiting for the funds to show up.  However, she still received emails, a postcard, and a recorded phone message stating that she needed to confirm and pay or her classes would be dropped. Argh!  Finally, I had DD sign in to the student portal and poked around long enough to find that her schedule does actually say "confirmed" so I started feeling a little more comfortable.


DD has regularly volunteered at one location since she was 14.  She became very frustrated by the number of new volunteers this summer who came in and did a crummy job just to get their Tennessee Promise volunteer hours completed.  She had to keep cleaning up after them.

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Ds is also a guinea pig. He is fed up with all the emails for things he has already completed as well. I'm afraid he is going to miss an important one because I am pretty sure he barely glances at them and deletes them at this point. The meetings have been completely pointless, timewasters. They are just hoops to jump through, I feel like they are being used to weed out people.

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Still waiting for Tennessee Promise funds to show up.  Student portal message is to expect it mid- to late August.  Hope scholarship funds are supposed to on the student accounts now but nothing on DD's.  She filed a review request to have them look at her Hope eligibility.  She is definitely eligible and had no problems getting the dual enrollment grant at the same institution. Strange.


The good news is that her schedule of classes did NOT disappear with the passing of the confirmation/pay due date. *whew*  I was pretty worried because all of her classes are FULL and it would be impossible to get everything back if they dropped her courses.


How is it going for your TN Promise students?

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The Tennessee Promise funds showed up in DD's student portal account last night.  Be sure to check!


These funds showed up before the Hope scholarship, so the account currently shows Tenn Promise paying the full amount of the tuition and fees.  DD went ahead and confirmed her schedule of classes but will still pursue making sure her eligibility for Hope is confirmed and credited.  She certainly doesn't want a problem getting Hope once she transfers to a university.

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I seem to be the only one updating this thread.  :laugh:   Just wanted to add that the Hope funds finally showed up today in DD's student account.  They correctly backed out the same amount in Tennessee Promise funds for a balance of $0.  She has most of her textbooks and is ready to start class on Monday.



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